who you may remember from such films as:
- Good Times Coming (1982)
- Popular Mechanics (1985)

I was just going to post the sexy plaid sheets pic(s) above – sometimes less is more and I think it’s a sexy shot – and leave it at that, but then the butt shot, then the shot below, and it became a thing – so here’s the pornstar videography, as brief as it may be, for Tony James – better known in these parts as T.N.T.

Very brief clip above (a rerun for those paying attention) but I thought he looked cute getting cummed
And of course, you may remember TNT from such magazines as:
- The Young Men from “GOOD TIMES COMING” (1983)
- Stud Tool (photos from Good Times Coming)
- 3-Way Fuck (photos from Good Times Coming)
- Hot Mechanics (1985)

forgive the Popular Mechanics clip below – i have this crappy download of the movie, and I uploaded just his scene, even though our man doesn’t arrive til halfway in, at about the 8 minute mark.