"vintage" porn stars Close Up Productions

Love Daddy

model’s name is Bill Curtis (anyone from Chicago area might get a chuckle) – magazine is from CLOSE-UP Productions (1983), and it’s narrative is about 2 men (one older – Daddy, one younger, The Kid) who send dirty letters, and I assume, photos. Daddy dresses in leather gear for many of the photos, but somehow I found the work-out pics, and the jeans photos more attractive; I suppose I could post the others, but nah…

actually, the magazine is called LOVE, DADDY – I guess from the way he signs his sexy letters; but I prefer no comma


my Saturday night

where’s my wallet?

porno pet peeves VHS cover art

a real mind blower

The Devil and Mr. Jones

First Avenue Screening Room opened in 1973, but by March of 1975 it was renamed Byron Theatre when it began showing gay porn, opening with The Devil and Mr. Jones. This is cover art for my copy of the video, but, alas, I don’t have a “BETA cover art” category (I don’t have a BETA player; but nabbed this and perhaps 3 or 4 others over the years as the word was that BETA was better quality than VHS.), so shoving this into the VHS, and of course the “pet peeve” category – just check the cover, there’s a large version of the front if you need help with what the pet peeve could be in this case.

previous post, including video clip – The Devil and Mr. Jones – not for the squeamish, if I remember correctly.

VHS cover art

Interludes – VHS

Interludes, a collection of 6 films – I have this VHS! (but no, not (yet) digitized).

associated magazines

  • NUDE LUDE DUDES – which I sold in 2017 (arrrggghhh) – 48 pages of photos – no ads!
  • PROD #1 – know this from GEVI
  • RAW MEAT – (2023 update/edit)
  • IMPULSE #1 – (2025 update/edit)

"vintage" porn stars

easily distracted

Jamie Powers

I was looking for Jack Wrangler stuff, came upon this old magazine, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this man elsewhere, he certainly fits the “dirty, dirty blond” mustached blond thick-cocked man we’ve been discussing…. and as I type, now I want to know which issue of IN HEAT he’s ‘reading’

oh, and white cotton socks!

"vintage" porn stars


public service announcement:

doing a porno shoot? feet must be washed, or dipped in nearby pool

Richard Locke


Dreamer (1975)