this guy is soooooooooooooooooooooo familiar, but I can’t place him. A solitary page in a Chain Males magazine – #3, which also has (3) nice photos of (Big) Bill Eld. The same series, I think it is #4, has some nice photos of Jim Cassidy

I want to see more! (and figure out where else I have seen him, of course)
10 replies on “Karl”
I was just looking at my scans of the Chain Males mag series (I don’t remember which one).
This guy never really caught my eye. I guess I don’t have anything substantial to add.
He’s got a great dick! What’s he gonna do with that whip, I wonder?
OK OK OK – I think I’ve found more, but I am getting him confused with Ken Alexander – unless THIS is Ken, unmustached?
I thought there was another post recently where you’d found a younger Ken Alexander? Is this him too? I need two pics to compare. I’ll check my own.
The saga of Ken Alexander just goes on and on. And gives and gives more.
Oh right, Jim Stewart Jr from AMG. And Tom Kent “from 70s publications” according to GEVI. So there’s more of this guy out there, as Tom Kent? And now “Karl.”
Ken Alexander is like a fricking möbius strip!
Buddy buddy buddy all in my face
Oh yeah! I’ve had that pic for a while, but never knew who it was, just worshipped THAT DICK. But now I see it’s the same guy. So now, do we think that this is a young Ken Alexander? Very well may be!
I need to go compare pics obsessively for a hour or two.
I am 90% sure at this point – but there’s that 10% doubt!
Yeah, but I think you’re probably right. I can see it too.
When I first saw this Ken was the first person I thought of. I would be inclined to say that it is him. I did find a magazine with one of his partners in Heavy Hitters/Hard At Work though! Leather and Levi Guys #4.He is in the spread Getting Off On Hot Leather. Hopefully a name to the face in the future. Some nice pics of Jack Wrangler and Dan Kennedy also. https://retrostuds.blogspot.com/2022/05/leather-and-levi-guys-no-4.html
yes! great mag – remembering I had seen something from a magazine with LEVI’s in the title brought me to that series – and this particular one also has the Clay Russell I posted recently, too.