of course I have posted about Brand before, and was going to again now that I have obtained this Playguy from 1977…. but then Doug – dark mustached, dirty blond – caught my eye. I think he may have also posed with Brian Dexter. Can’t (yet) find any good solo pics, and certainly wasn’t going to cut out Brand’s nice cock….

oh, here we go – who’s your friend?
update: Playguy issue is 6 pages, including centerfold, of Doug & Brand – “Lather Boys”
4 replies on “Doug”
“Another day, another Doug”
Korg, from “Thor:Ragnarok”.
I love Target, and I just love discovering obscure Target models. So thank you for Doug! I’ve probably seen him before, but didn’t know his name. I like his rugged good looks. Great balls, thick ‘stache, and I even like his curly (dirty) blond hair. It’s a shame that models like this are often so scarce. Thanks for bringing him back into the light!
Brand, I know. He’s a super-hottie as well. That soapy pic of the two of them is delicious!
Just FYI, there’s no link on the heading for this post.
“Just FYI, there’s no link on the heading for this post.”
oh wow – and at first I saw what you were seeing – BUT – if you are on the post itself, separated from the blog – https://www.bjland.ws/wordpress/2022/04/24/doug/ – then you don’t see the hyperlink for the title – but if you are on one of the pages, like the main page – https://www.bjland.ws/wordpress/ – then each title SHOULD have a link
No worries. Maybe I just didn’t see the link?