It’s remarkable how suggestive it is, and he’s not even naked. He is pretty bulgy though, whether it’s the bulging muscles or the bulge in his shorts.
Amazing image. Nice post! Sometimes simplicity is the sexiest.
(I hope these links work!)
Like Barry Hoffman, Fred Halsted, and Ledermeister, even when they wear shades, you can still identify them – iconic presence! They had a stronger presence, than a lot of mainstream stars – powerful!
Thank you, Johnny-MyPet-Llama! I so appreciate that we’re often on the same wavelength! Especially in regards, to His Majesty! : )
I wasn’t going to comment on this post, until later. But a recent reply, regarding ancient Greco-Roman gods with zephyr, made me reconsider. Continue the conversation, while it’s still hot and fresh!
There’s a gay porn blog, now dormant; with the name, “Gods Amongst Men”! Gordon Grant definitely qualifies – that jaw line! He’s like a living statue – a work of art! : O
It’s truly wonderful, that a number of gay porn stars do indeed; suggest deities! Among the four already mentioned, I would also include Ken Sprague aka Dakota, Ed Dinakos, Jim Cassidy, Chance Caldwell, Ace Harden, Cannon Lee, Tex Murdock, Arpad Miklos, Jack Dragon, and others, etc. etc.
According to most reports, Gordon Grant was only 6’1” or 6’2”. But he’s often photographed, to suggest a giant! : 0
I and zephyr, discussed the legendary statue, “The Colossus of Rhodes; one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It actually existed, though later destroyed. Evidently, it was about the size of the Statue of Liberty!
I’m reposting this image from “Lifeguard”, as an illustration. I absolutely love it! Gordon looks huge!
The way he surveys the beach, does indeed, suggest the famous statue; protecting the naval port of entry. His feet and legs, are positioned in a similar way – intentional?
You can enlarge it! Do so, to better appreciate his facial features – magnificent! Once again, that jaw line!
As I’ve said before, it’s pretty amazing; that quite a number of His Majesty’s images, involve water. It’s all the more appropriate, since he suggests, the grandeur of the sea!
“He can feel the ocean fall and rise! He saw its ragin’ glory!” Eh, zephyr! ; )
Continuing on this theme; Colt’s Jim French, was the one who named him after the famous, maritime illustrator and painter, Gordon Hope Grant. I believe his real name was Don Bowman.
I believe His Majesty deserved a yacht, a battleship, or maybe, the Titanic (no iceberg!)! But a raft will work, just as well – hypnotic! Ah, these images carry poetry in stillness. : 0
“Like Jim French, Roy Dean endlessly photographed Gordon Grant/Don Bowman, in various locations. Indoors, on a boat, in the mountains, in a lake, on the sand, even in the snow!”
I’ve never posted this picture before. It’s a Roy Dean image of Gordon Grant, in a lake. It isn’t perfect. The color is a little oversaturated. But it’s still Gordon Grant! So, you can’t say, I’m all wet! : )
Whether it’s a pool, a lake, a beach, or the ocean; the water theme with Gordon Grant, has always been consistent. It has been especially with me, right from the time, I first discovered him in 1977.
I made sure to wait until I was eighteen, to buy the Advocate Newspaper, from a coin vending machine. My pocket was filled with quarters. It scared me to death. I was so afraid a cop would stop me, since I looked so young. I still lived at home, from a Catholic, conservative family. I felt like I was purchasing contraband! I bought the newspaper, stuffed it in my jacket, and rushed to catch the bus, home! Yikes!
I only hoped I would find a picture, of a hot guy in the buff – maybe Joe Dallesandro? I didn’t expect to bear witness, to the appearance of a god! I turned a page, and there HE was! It was an erotic ambush! I felt like my whole body went hard! I almost couldn’t process it. It was that overwhelming!
Simultaneously, my body and mind; experienced so many reactions! Like I was short-circuiting! It honestly felt, like a mild form of medical shock. All the blood went to my head, my eardrums were throbbing, my heart was pounding, my hairs stood on end, and I could barely breathe! I could feel myself leaking! : |
I’ve never had such a primal, visceral reaction, to a porn star, before or since! *GASP!*
The whole page was an advertisement, for Colt Studio’s “Houseboat (1977)”! It was my first introduction to that studio! “If the look is masculine, the name is Colt.” (!)
The b & w ad featured two pictures, from the loop featuring Grant and Marty Palmer. The largest image was the famous, modest pose of G.G., with his legs hiding his nudity. I did a double-take, to make sure I was looking at a photograph, and not a realistic drawing. I almost couldn’t believe he was real!
It may have been this image, but I can’t be absolutely sure. The image is accurate, but I’m not certain about the wording – can’t remember. : (
I only had the newspaper, for a couple of hours. There really wasn’t any privacy in my cramped home. As a closeted teenager, I was so afraid of being found out, that I threw the newspaper away, far from home. But I memorized the name Gordon Grant, the studio Colt, and the loop’s title, “Houseboat”!
It’s amazing how I came to view Gordon Grant, in increments, like a prolonged strip-tease!
Around 1983, I finally got around to viewing His Majesty, in all his glory – full frontal! On top of all his other assets, I discovered he was also well-hung! Tell me, God doesn’t exist! : P
I ventured into Drake’s, a famous porn shop, which was once owned by William Higgins. It was located on Melrose Ave. I was able to browse through, all the Colt Studio magazines on display. It’s a wonder they didn’t kick me out, since I wasted a lot of time, without buying. I later got a membership, to rent videos from them.
Aside from water, there’s also the association of G.G., with Greco-Roman mythology – so appropriate!
I finally was able to look through his magazine, Olympus #3 – Hallelujah! : )
You can’t imagine my gratitude! I later bought it. It was one of my first collections, of owning erotica!
Lily Tomlin has a joke: “The Fifties was the most sexually frustrating decade ever – ten years of foreplay.” : D
I didn’t get to actually view “Houseboat”, until 1987, when Colt finally released it on video! That was a full decade, from the time I first discovered him! It was worth the wait! : )
It’s very likely that a lot of viewers; won’t find the three Colt loops of Gordon Grant, very satisfying. You see erections, but no actual sexual penetration. I would describe them as semi-hardcore.
They were all released by 1977. I still love them, because photographed outdoors; Gordon has never looked so breath-taking! He shows a warmer range, than he would later on. He smiles and kisses!
“Houseboat” sometimes shows its age. There are a few fleeting moments, when the print, has a greenish tinge to it. But overall, it’s beautiful to look at! The loop was filmed on Lake Powell, a famous tourist attraction. The photographs were included in “Olympus #3”! A lot of sequences make me swoon! Gordon wearing black Speedos looks fabulous! *SIGH*
Gordon Grant and Marty Palmer, make a spectacular pair! They contrast beautifully – one, a sunny, sleek, playful, blond youth. The other stud is dark, exotic, brooding, mysterious, big and muscular – just wonderful!
I once said they were the perfect pairing of god with demi-god; Apollo vs. Adonis. But that’s not really accurate. As I told zephyr, Adonis wasn’t a demi-god. He was a beautiful, mortal young man. So Marty Palmer does qualify, though he does look like an angel!
But Gordon Grant doesn’t really suggest Apollo. He looks too dark and volatile. He’s more like Ares/Mars, the god of war. Colt’s Dakota, a blond, is more like Apollo, the god of sun and light. : )
I love making mythic analogies, to my favorite porn stars! Depending, how virile a porn star is; I’ll put them in one of three categories: god, demi-gods, and mortals! : )
I also make boxing analogies: heavyweights, middleweights, and lightweights. And let’s not forget, male opera singers: basses, baritones, and tenors! : )
Jim French has been known to stretch the truth (i.e. lie). You can read below, how he claims that “Houseboat”, was a reenactment, of what happened to Gordon Grant. Yeah, right. : )
Still, a scenario depicting Gordon Grant; “rescuing” Marty Palmer, make for a hot, entertaining fantasy!
On land or at sea, wet or dry, Gordon Grant is forever! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great and nostalgic posts! : )
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
; )
My bisexual bud I went to bars with went to CA on vacation in the summer of 1980 to SF. He met Gordon Grant in a gym, a regular gym not the gay gym. He did not have sex with Gordon Grant as already in the late 1970s what was later known as AIDS was definitely in NYC, Philadelphia, L.A. and SF. Gordon Grant was already hiv poz by 1980 as lots were.
5 replies on “shades”
This is such as iconic image!
It’s remarkable how suggestive it is, and he’s not even naked. He is pretty bulgy though, whether it’s the bulging muscles or the bulge in his shorts.
Amazing image. Nice post! Sometimes simplicity is the sexiest.
(I hope these links work!)
Like Barry Hoffman, Fred Halsted, and Ledermeister, even when they wear shades, you can still identify them – iconic presence! They had a stronger presence, than a lot of mainstream stars – powerful!
Thank you, Johnny-MyPet-Llama! I so appreciate that we’re often on the same wavelength! Especially in regards, to His Majesty! : )
I wasn’t going to comment on this post, until later. But a recent reply, regarding ancient Greco-Roman gods with zephyr, made me reconsider. Continue the conversation, while it’s still hot and fresh!
There’s a gay porn blog, now dormant; with the name, “Gods Amongst Men”! Gordon Grant definitely qualifies – that jaw line! He’s like a living statue – a work of art! : O
It’s truly wonderful, that a number of gay porn stars do indeed; suggest deities! Among the four already mentioned, I would also include Ken Sprague aka Dakota, Ed Dinakos, Jim Cassidy, Chance Caldwell, Ace Harden, Cannon Lee, Tex Murdock, Arpad Miklos, Jack Dragon, and others, etc. etc.
According to most reports, Gordon Grant was only 6’1” or 6’2”. But he’s often photographed, to suggest a giant! : 0
I and zephyr, discussed the legendary statue, “The Colossus of Rhodes; one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It actually existed, though later destroyed. Evidently, it was about the size of the Statue of Liberty!
I’m reposting this image from “Lifeguard”, as an illustration. I absolutely love it! Gordon looks huge!
The way he surveys the beach, does indeed, suggest the famous statue; protecting the naval port of entry. His feet and legs, are positioned in a similar way – intentional?
You can enlarge it! Do so, to better appreciate his facial features – magnificent! Once again, that jaw line!
As I’ve said before, it’s pretty amazing; that quite a number of His Majesty’s images, involve water. It’s all the more appropriate, since he suggests, the grandeur of the sea!
“He can feel the ocean fall and rise! He saw its ragin’ glory!” Eh, zephyr! ; )
Continuing on this theme; Colt’s Jim French, was the one who named him after the famous, maritime illustrator and painter, Gordon Hope Grant. I believe his real name was Don Bowman.
I believe His Majesty deserved a yacht, a battleship, or maybe, the Titanic (no iceberg!)! But a raft will work, just as well – hypnotic! Ah, these images carry poetry in stillness. : 0
More water – even a diving board, will work! Even with the debris, I love this picture – the rich color! His hair looks nice!
As I’ve said before…
“Like Jim French, Roy Dean endlessly photographed Gordon Grant/Don Bowman, in various locations. Indoors, on a boat, in the mountains, in a lake, on the sand, even in the snow!”
I’ve never posted this picture before. It’s a Roy Dean image of Gordon Grant, in a lake. It isn’t perfect. The color is a little oversaturated. But it’s still Gordon Grant! So, you can’t say, I’m all wet! : )
Whether it’s a pool, a lake, a beach, or the ocean; the water theme with Gordon Grant, has always been consistent. It has been especially with me, right from the time, I first discovered him in 1977.
I made sure to wait until I was eighteen, to buy the Advocate Newspaper, from a coin vending machine. My pocket was filled with quarters. It scared me to death. I was so afraid a cop would stop me, since I looked so young. I still lived at home, from a Catholic, conservative family. I felt like I was purchasing contraband! I bought the newspaper, stuffed it in my jacket, and rushed to catch the bus, home! Yikes!
I only hoped I would find a picture, of a hot guy in the buff – maybe Joe Dallesandro? I didn’t expect to bear witness, to the appearance of a god! I turned a page, and there HE was! It was an erotic ambush! I felt like my whole body went hard! I almost couldn’t process it. It was that overwhelming!
Simultaneously, my body and mind; experienced so many reactions! Like I was short-circuiting! It honestly felt, like a mild form of medical shock. All the blood went to my head, my eardrums were throbbing, my heart was pounding, my hairs stood on end, and I could barely breathe! I could feel myself leaking! : |
I’ve never had such a primal, visceral reaction, to a porn star, before or since! *GASP!*
The whole page was an advertisement, for Colt Studio’s “Houseboat (1977)”! It was my first introduction to that studio! “If the look is masculine, the name is Colt.” (!)
The b & w ad featured two pictures, from the loop featuring Grant and Marty Palmer. The largest image was the famous, modest pose of G.G., with his legs hiding his nudity. I did a double-take, to make sure I was looking at a photograph, and not a realistic drawing. I almost couldn’t believe he was real!
It may have been this image, but I can’t be absolutely sure. The image is accurate, but I’m not certain about the wording – can’t remember. : (
I only had the newspaper, for a couple of hours. There really wasn’t any privacy in my cramped home. As a closeted teenager, I was so afraid of being found out, that I threw the newspaper away, far from home. But I memorized the name Gordon Grant, the studio Colt, and the loop’s title, “Houseboat”!
It’s amazing how I came to view Gordon Grant, in increments, like a prolonged strip-tease!
Around 1983, I finally got around to viewing His Majesty, in all his glory – full frontal! On top of all his other assets, I discovered he was also well-hung! Tell me, God doesn’t exist! : P
I ventured into Drake’s, a famous porn shop, which was once owned by William Higgins. It was located on Melrose Ave. I was able to browse through, all the Colt Studio magazines on display. It’s a wonder they didn’t kick me out, since I wasted a lot of time, without buying. I later got a membership, to rent videos from them.
Aside from water, there’s also the association of G.G., with Greco-Roman mythology – so appropriate!
I finally was able to look through his magazine, Olympus #3 – Hallelujah! : )
You can’t imagine my gratitude! I later bought it. It was one of my first collections, of owning erotica!
Lily Tomlin has a joke: “The Fifties was the most sexually frustrating decade ever – ten years of foreplay.” : D
I didn’t get to actually view “Houseboat”, until 1987, when Colt finally released it on video! That was a full decade, from the time I first discovered him! It was worth the wait! : )
It’s very likely that a lot of viewers; won’t find the three Colt loops of Gordon Grant, very satisfying. You see erections, but no actual sexual penetration. I would describe them as semi-hardcore.
They were all released by 1977. I still love them, because photographed outdoors; Gordon has never looked so breath-taking! He shows a warmer range, than he would later on. He smiles and kisses!
“Houseboat” sometimes shows its age. There are a few fleeting moments, when the print, has a greenish tinge to it. But overall, it’s beautiful to look at! The loop was filmed on Lake Powell, a famous tourist attraction. The photographs were included in “Olympus #3”! A lot of sequences make me swoon! Gordon wearing black Speedos looks fabulous! *SIGH*
Gordon Grant and Marty Palmer, make a spectacular pair! They contrast beautifully – one, a sunny, sleek, playful, blond youth. The other stud is dark, exotic, brooding, mysterious, big and muscular – just wonderful!
I once said they were the perfect pairing of god with demi-god; Apollo vs. Adonis. But that’s not really accurate. As I told zephyr, Adonis wasn’t a demi-god. He was a beautiful, mortal young man. So Marty Palmer does qualify, though he does look like an angel!
But Gordon Grant doesn’t really suggest Apollo. He looks too dark and volatile. He’s more like Ares/Mars, the god of war. Colt’s Dakota, a blond, is more like Apollo, the god of sun and light. : )
I love making mythic analogies, to my favorite porn stars! Depending, how virile a porn star is; I’ll put them in one of three categories: god, demi-gods, and mortals! : )
I also make boxing analogies: heavyweights, middleweights, and lightweights. And let’s not forget, male opera singers: basses, baritones, and tenors! : )
Jim French has been known to stretch the truth (i.e. lie). You can read below, how he claims that “Houseboat”, was a reenactment, of what happened to Gordon Grant. Yeah, right. : )
Still, a scenario depicting Gordon Grant; “rescuing” Marty Palmer, make for a hot, entertaining fantasy!
(You can enlarge!)
On land or at sea, wet or dry, Gordon Grant is forever! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great and nostalgic posts! : )
So little time! I’ll never catch up! : (
; )
My bisexual bud I went to bars with went to CA on vacation in the summer of 1980 to SF. He met Gordon Grant in a gym, a regular gym not the gay gym. He did not have sex with Gordon Grant as already in the late 1970s what was later known as AIDS was definitely in NYC, Philadelphia, L.A. and SF. Gordon Grant was already hiv poz by 1980 as lots were.