
my Saturday night

where’s my wallet?

7 replies on “my Saturday night”

LOL! They look familiar, but I don’t recognize either.

My Saturday night: when I get to the door, the pizza is on the doormat. Pizza guy’s gone.

Also, the last time I thought my pizza guy was hot? Well, it’s been a while. However, cops, firemen and EMT dudes are often still dreamy.

I found the yummy guy on the right in the jock, it’s Curt Hansen:

Did you know about this site BJ? iafd has an advanced search option for tattoos, if you know what the tat looks like and where on the performer it is you can scroll through and see if you can find a match. I was expecting to be overwhelmed with results for ‘eagle tattoo’ and there were a bunch, but when I used control+F and just looked for placement on bicep it led me to Curt. It leans more heavily towards recent porn stars since just about everyone has a tat now it seems, anyway I think this is worth saving as a bookmark:

The guy on the left I’m not sure about, the names Lee Mann and Tony Kennedy landed in my head but I know it’s not Lee, just vaguely resembles him. And I doubt it’s Tony either but maybe Johnny or someone else will pick up the baton and run it to the finish line.

very cool –

but I am afeared of seeing lady parts if I go to Adult data base – I’ll let JohnnyLlama explore first – he seems REALLY good on the tattoo front!

I only see face shots on that site, male or female, so nothing to worry about. Clearly you have some ability to squint your eyes and look beyond the occasional nude woman though, otherwise you couldn’t have made it through either Heatstroke or L.A. Tool & Die ;)

Sometimes their site lists things that gevi doesn’t, or vice versa, but it seems like a good backup source for things. Up to you, but here’s Curt’s page:

I’m starting to think that might not have been Curt in Job Site, maybe a different actor? I searched “curt” here on your blog and saw a couple of pics you’ve posted with the guy assumed to be Curt sucking off Eric Ryan who is seated on a car hood, and I didn’t see a tattoo on the guy doing the sucking’s arm. And the Nova scenes where he was Kevin would likely have been before Job Site in 1984.

not sure that THIS guy is Curt Hansen – BUT – I am confident that the GEVI pic for Curt Hansen matches the JOBSITE pics, its just that the JOBSITE pics don’t show the right arm, and thus no tattoo

Hey that is kinda weird, the tat on the guy from this pic is on his left arm, whereas the gevi page/pic for Curt says it was on his right. And the tat itself looks a little bit different too, not exactly the same flying bird. So maybe this isn’t Curt?

I knew about IAFD, it’s a good back up to GEVI. But did not know that you could search on tats! That is very cool. Thanks Zephyr.

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