VHS cover art

Interludes – VHS

Interludes, a collection of 6 films – I have this VHS! (but no, not (yet) digitized).

associated magazines

  • NUDE LUDE DUDES – which I sold in 2017 (arrrggghhh) – 48 pages of photos – no ads!
  • PROD #1 – know this from GEVI
  • RAW MEAT – (2023 update/edit)
  • IMPULSE #1 – (2025 update/edit)

9 replies on “Interludes – VHS”

Re: the first pic, do you know which combo of guys they are? Is that Steve & Tony? The guy on the left looks familiar to me, not from other porn scenes or loops but rather like somebody I remember as being kind of a fuck buddy in the late 80s. His hair, eyes, mustache, smile and even the wispy chest hair pattern too, almost uncanny though I’m confident it’s a different guy than who I’m picturing. Besides if that’s Tony on the left, the guy I remember didn’t have pierced nipples and was cut.

Also, the internet has truly spoiled all of us, who in their right mind would pay $124.95 for a porn movie nowadays?? We really had little choice back in the day but for over a hundred bucks I’d expect a personal visit from the star of my choice AND a catered meal.

I love that big box cover with Steve Mars & Tony! Great scan.

Can you imagine paying $125 for a porno on videocassette today? I can’t believe I used to do that on a fairly regular basis. I mean, I would wait until things were on sale. Falcon used to do these the-more-you-buy-the-lower-the-price-per-tape sales. But still. No wonder I’m poor now!

Also, I could be wrong, but I think all 6 Interludes films are featured in the Nude Lude Dudes mag. It’s hard to tell, b/c they are totally out of order. And the action makes it difficult to tell when one segment ends and the next begins.

Also (again), Steve Mars also appeared in two other mags Sizzler (1981) and Manacle (1980). Hey maybe do a Steve Mars profile? Nah, it’d be a short one. There’s only the one film and the 4 mags (well, unless there are others).

Great post. Thanks BJ!

I can’t believe I repeated Zephyr almost word for word! Talk about not being original. Next time I’ll try to read all the comments a little more carefully. Sorry Zephyr!

I just get so excited!

I was thinking about “Interludes” and “Interludes 4: Danny & Phil” and I realized that one of those guys is aka Jack Burke. I don’t know which. I mean, I can see which one it is, I just don’t know whether it’s “Danny” or “Phil.”

The price from the corner of the box cover is eye-popping when you consider how everyone has the expectation nowadays to just click a few times and view whatever porn they want for free. So if you noticed that too it just shows how great minds think alike (that’s how my mom explains away coincidences like that to turn it into a compliment). No worries.

Jack Burke was one of the guys in another of these pairs? I didn’t catch that, he was damn fine. These Bases Are Loaded is one of my favorite 80s Higgins films and Jack was in that, easiest to pick him out of the lineup before they all break into pairs and groups when they are still seated on the benches stroking their dicks. Jack kept his yellow baseball hat on longer than any of the other guys, if you’ve ever seen the glossy magazine from that film there are a few shots where you can see five of them on one bench, four on the other. It took some research on my part to i.d. all of them when I reviewed that film last year, in case you, BJ or anyone are curious they were lined up thusly:

Steve West / Brad Peters / Derrick Stanton / Robert Sims / David Hix on bench #1 — Jack Burke / Jon King / J.W. King / Tony Prince on bench #2 to the right. I’ve seen some mirrored shots floating around but that’s the order from Higgins camera as it’s seen in the movie. The Kings are of course the easiest to pick out, and then Derrick because he gets his dick so rock hard and positions himself so he is pointing skyward showing it off. Can’t remember if I ever mentioned that here before but even in the magazine is hard to tell who’s who, let alone when they start having sex.

Yeah I started out on topic, but Johnny mentioning how one of these Interludes guys (either Danny or Phil) was Jack Burke sent me off into Higgins / Bases land in my brain. Sorry bud, strike everything after the second sentence of the second paragraph of my earlier reply.

From the smaller pic on the back of the box cover in your post, the pic for Danny & Phil shows a guy fucking another guy wearing a jock, and I’m guessing Jack is the one doing the fucking since it kinda looks like him. The gevi page for the Danny & Phil loop …

… isn’t much help, as the pics are pretty small and they just send the two guys names to the dumping ground for one named performers, and doesn’t confirm Johnny’s theory. Do you have larger pics of that scene, one that might show which one Jack Burke was?

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