I know, I know, I know….. not the best set of pics – which is too bad – leather and Paul Barresi should go together like…. um, leather and Paul Barresi –
“Honestly, BJ! How many of these silly photos of Paul, do you have?”

I’ve gathered what I can of Paul in leather, and well, he rarely goes very deep – cap (Colt’s Gallery 13, below), jacket (posing with Target’s BRAND), a vest ( Lusty) cap/vest (COLT 1976 calendar) – except in Falconhead II (which, well, birdhead may have had something to do with the plot – but don’t ask me what that was – but didn’t do a lot for me erotically), and then a pic I found via HIM International, which they credit as begin from Drummer. THAT’s the ticket – final pic below – chaps, gloves, cap, vest – The search continues for more!