who you may remember from such films as:
- Gemini (1977)
- Heavy Equipment (1977)

CHRIS ADAMS – only 2 films??? that’s crazy! And in one, Gemini , they sometimes left off the “s” at the end of his name in advertising materials. And in both films, some of the action takes place on a construction site, so we get the hardhat Chris – yum! He also went by Chris Marlin (NOVA?), which I question because I have so far found no NOVA films, and the magazines are other publishers. And then his last (known) alias was Rusty Baldwin (COLT) – he did some amazing pics with Mike Davis.
Imagine, a few magazines, just 2 films, and you’ve worked with Jack Wrangler, Al Parker, Frank Evans, and Mike Davis!! That the Colt photos seemed to not appear until 1986 seems odd, so I am possibly missing an earlier appearance(?) in print somewhere(?)

Heavy Equipment – lucky-chris-adams with Jack & Al

who you may remember from such magazines as:
- BLUEBOY Vol 23 (AUG 1978)
- Man Alive #2 (1978?)
- Man Alive #4 (1978?)
- Sex Scenes – #2 – SHOWER HOT as Gary, with Frank Evans
- Stud – #4 – with Frank Evans – same pics as above, but as “Chris”
- The Jock Book – Vol 2 (1977?)
- COLT STUDIO PRESENTS #8 – The Great Duals (1986) w/ Mike Davis

10 replies on “Chris Adams”
Great pics of this guy, I especially like pic #2, the black and white shot which is framed really well against the backdrop. Not to mention his frame and especially his cock which looks extra thick and tasty. I was wondering why you posted the same clip twice though, did you intend to post a scene from his other known film role as well?
good catch – nope, didn’t intend to have same clip twice -intended Gemini clip; link to Heavy Equipment previously posted clip – now updated with both clips on this post, plus a few minor corrections. appreciate the heads up!
That was what I assumed, otherwise you’re using up bandwidth even if that’s not as big a concern for you as it was before. I remember posts you used to do dating back to BJ Land version 1.0, where you’d deliberately use the same image twice, or maybe mirror reflect images and put them side by side, those were always cool by the way :) but pics never took up as much space on your end as these clips must.
So we get rewarded not only by the second Chris clip from Heavy Equipment, but also a pic of our one and only webmaster digging around and manhandling his own heavy equipment??!! Now I’m REALLY glad I said something!
Yes pic #2 does it for me as well. He’s in great shape here. The way the light falls on him. Great photo.
He was so hot in Heavy Equipment. Will always remember that scene.
I’m 100% digging the guy with the sunglasses and jock! Ha ha! BJ, you scamp.
Seriously, I love this guy’s blue collar look, but he’s also just really handsome and sexy. Great profile!
I think the Chris Marlin alias could have been just for print or it came out of a mistake or something. Whatever the name, this man is hot!
Ooh, awesome video clips also!
Thanks BJ!
Box cover credits Kurt Williams (AKA Mike Adams) as being in Heavy Equipment. Does anyone remember if that’s accurate?
I can assure you NO KURT WILLIAMS in this film! I have sold the DVD version, and have the VHS (with glasses – oh, I guess you could tell). I should really scan the box cover art for the VHS (and new post category) as I find it interesting, and then years later, some early DVD seller adds Kurt’s name?
and is Mr. Williams MR GAY NUDE, Mr. Nude America, or both?
found our man in another publication – cover of BLUEBOY Vol 23 (AUG 1978), plus 3 more pics, in MYKONOS, of all places
by coincidence (?), Al Parker is in the same issue