"vintage" porn stars


Derrick Stanton, solo (as “TED”), in the film Mighty Load (AH MEN #5). Not to be confused with the 70’s gay fashion house/catalogue AH MEN

A porn shop with racks of magazines (check out the magazine!), sex toys and a (apparently lickable??) display case.

From the AH MEN loops series , which of course included AH MEN magazines; this one, AH MEN #3. For anyone wondering, Derrick does not (in the magazine anyway) actually use any of those dildos – so I’m not hiding anything from you! Of course, no idea where to find the film loop, but we can all keep our eyes open (and anything else) for that.

11 replies on “MIGHTY LOAD”

Wow, this is just eerie! I swear we connect by psychic energy! I was just about to mentioned “Ah Men” fashions, but once again, you beat me to it!

I so appreciate, that you also celebrate second tier porn “stars”!

With his lank hair and wispy mustache; I’ve always thought that Derrek Stanton was one of the homeliest performers in porn! : /

Even “I”, am more attractive! I can say that with confidence. Though it’s obvious, he has a lot more confidence than I do! I can only be a porn star, in my fantasies. : (

He’s older than I am! : 0

I have to give him props though. Despite his looks, it’s amazing how many of his scenes, I find hot – always dependable! I refer to him as the “gusher”!

Joe Gage used him twice in “L.A. Tool & Die”, without revealing his face.

I know you loved his notorious scene with Steve Taylor in “Performance”. : )

(GEVI misidentifies Steve Taylor with Steve Scott – honestly!)

He tends to excel in trios and orgies – think “These Bases Are Loaded”, “Wet Shorts” and “Grease Monkeys”. There’s a hot- tub scene in “For Members Only”, that he shares with Jon King and Greg Hanson. I saw it in a revival house full of queers!

At one point, he actually says, “Wow, you give great head! That’s just fantastic!” The entire audience burst out laughing! : )

; )

oh my. I would go more with “not my taste” – but more because of hairstyle and lankiness… but jeezus that cock! and in action, c’mon! but couldn’t find a video of this, anyway, to each his own –

I used to think “How the hell did he get into porn?” LOL. Nothing remotely attractive about him. The scene in Members Only with Jon King and Greg Hanson could have done without him. Had I been there I would have insisted they do it over as a twosome!

Derrick (or someone claiming to be him and using that as a user name) has popped in on some of the posts I’ve made on reddit reviewing vintage films. He left a comment just this week when I asked him about working for Jerry Douglas, and with Kurt Young, as he did in his rather brief porn comeback in Family Values in the late 90s. Despite the fact that my review was for a film made the year prior, the excellent Flesh & Blood where Kurt played twins where one of them faked his death. Derrick said that Kurt was a sweet guy and easy to work with, and that Jerry treated him and all the other actors very well, something he didn’t feel happened as often in vintage porn. These reviews are at the subredit called ‘vintagegayvids’ which I know BJ has linked to a few of them, I type a lot (like I almost always do) but they’re fun for me to write up and just stream of consciousness what comes out of me. I try to link to a copy of the film I’m reviewing at a tube site though those links get taken down sometimes, just so people can watch or rewatch the movies being discussed. And link to here or other vintage gay pic blogs to provide further reading and viewing pleasure ;)

Since a few comments here aren’t exactly super nice about Derrick I doubt I’ll try to draw him here for this post anyway, a few of the things he’s told me though — apparently he didn’t like Wet Shorts and had a bad experience with that one, despite the fact that his threeway with R.J. Reynolds and Bob Marsh was very hot. He may have felt he was ripped off or not paid as much as he shoul dhave been. He also said once that Joe Gage had an artistic vision that he didn’t necessarily get when he filmed L.A. Tool & Die, though he now appreciates how the final version came out. His cumshots in that movie are legendary, first that was him being sucked off at the beginning by Michael Kearns who comes up for air to talk to Richard Locke a few times, for which Derrick wasn’t credited; and then his role as the stranger on that foggy night who comes out of the dark and fucks Casey Donovan when the woman handcuffs Casey to the tree and steals his car. He did get credited for that part though his first name was spelled differently than he usually spells it.

Seems like a nice guy assuming it’s really him, he usually pops up on vintage gay posts when it’s something or someone he knows about and talks about his experiences, and since so few of the actors we all remember from that era are still around it’s interesting to hear sort of insider, behind the scenes stuff. Oh and somebody fucked him on the beach and got sand on his dick, which hurt when he shoved it back in Derrick’s butt, and you can hear him tell the guy to pull out but I forget what that was from.

He has a non sex role in a film called A Young man’s World filmed in 2000. He still is not my taste, but I will say he aged and matured well. He would have been about 45 at the time, and he finally did something with that hair! Yeah, he looked good.

Between the end of his main run of films by the mid 80s (Route 69 and Strange Places Strange Things seem to be among his last from that period) and when he returned in Family Values and Hard Core in 97 his appearance had changed quite a bit. Manlier, more filled out in his face and body. And true, better hair :D I haven’t seen the film you mentioned but if I ever do I’ll be on the lookout for what he looked like then.

There were quite a few guys from porn of the past & present where if I was judging just by their appearance while still clothed I wouldn’t be too impressed either, but when a guy has a big hard dick (especially in vintage films when not everybody got it up as easily as they all did later with the assistance of pills or shots) and produces bucketfuls of cum I tend to notice that. It’s a sliding scale, admittedly, and we each have our criteria to determine it for ourselves.

and another thing – Derrick Stanton in The Boys Of Venice??? on rollerskates the man’s got a hardon in that men’s room with Eric Ryan as he gets blown, and then fucked! A true professional!

Anybody who can get it up and successfully suck and fuck while wearing roller skates deserves recognition, so props to both Derrick and Eric for pulling that off. He’s also in the center of one of the benches in These Bases Are Loaded, right between furry Brad Peters and Robert Sims before they all break off into groups, and with his reliable boner standing straight up so prominently. He did quite a few Higgins films, possibly more than for any other director. I’m glad you posted this pic of Derrick as I’d not seen it before, possibly because he was credited as Ted in the magazine, good find buddy, cheers.

I think all display cases are technically lickable, right? The obvious question is whether or not you should. Probably you should not, but in this case, I whole-heartedly approve!

I mean, I hoped they cleaned it first.

Great discussion!

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