As some of you know, NOVA films has published, or had their photos published in, bazillions of magazines from the 1970’s well into the 1990’s – the best are usually the ones corresponding to a specific film, or loop series; but often they are totally random, or “themed” like CUM! AGAIN!! and J O BUDDIES and then the LOADS series that these are from – I don’t think I have to explain what is focused on in those mags…

8 replies on “loadface”
I do enjoy!!
I was not all that surprised that you included Michael Christopher and Beau Matthews, but I can’t remember which film that is from.
I also love that I was able to recognize which scene the Lee Marlin photo is from. I am getting to know Nova better and better all the time. I think it’s from “Politics Be Damned” which is one of my favorites of his.
And the TJ Morgan pic- is that from “Cleanin’ Up?” I feel like TJ Morgan came up recently in a mag found on AdonisMale. Do you know: Is TJ Morgan the one with the tats and fuzzy torso?
Of course, we all recognize Jack Wrangler in the first pic, although I don’t know his co-stars or the scene.
The 2nd photo is a complete mystery…
But I certainly enjoyed looking at all of them!
Beau and Michael must be HOW I GOT THE STORY (I recognize the tree); TJ Morgan magazine I am hoping to download soon…the 2nd pic – sooooo familiar, and the wallpaper might help, and normally the bottom with the long blonde hair, no; but that guy’s torso and cock above him?
Oh yeah, is it the LOAD itself or the O-FACE we’re focusing on here? Or is that pretty much all the same thing and I should just hush?
you don’t have to hush, but focus on whatever load or loadface you find appropriate
Re pic #1, you gotta love ol’ Jack, the biggest ham in all of 70s porn. But whenever he was onscreen he was 110% committed to his performance no matter what he was doing.
Re pic #2, both guys look vaguely familiar to me also but I can’t place them either. The guy on his knees almost looks like Jerry Stoller, who was the blond trying to study in Dormitory Daze before Andy Fuller and Joe Delminco come downstairs and strip his clothes off:
… except his hair is too long in your pic. Of course he could have done other scenes that gevi hasn’t matched his name up with, or multiple magazine photo spreads and maybe he just got a haircut before he sucked and got fucked by Andy & Joe? Ginger Andy Fuller was a big crush of mine, and the Nova hour long videotape release with Dorm Daze and The Invitation is one of the ones with the best audio quality of Costello Presley’s early music (including your all-time favorite Make Love To Me – kidding! Down BJ, down!!)
Pic #3 is of course Beau and Michael, and I think you’re right that it’s from How I Got The Story (another Nova video with Costello’s looped music by the way). They were together in at least three films, in Pleasure Beach they were first in the bar where Beau has that Peterbilt shirt on and looks really sexy swigging his beer, then just after in Michael’s bedroom; and then in Skin Deep too but aside from the big orgy sequence at the end I don’t think they had a scene outside together. I read an interview Beau gave to Stallion magazine in 1985 after he learned he was poz, he wound up dying the next year but he wanted to get his story out. It’s fascinating but at the same time depressing, and I’m not sure this link will work for everyone but the pages with that interview are here:
Pic #4 I love that thick cock, and I think Johnny’s right about the source for Lee Marlin in pic #5.
Actually Make Love To Me wasn’t in Dormitory Daze, though the Tantra song Wishbone was, along with various Costello songs in different remixes or dub versions. Some of which are on that soundcloud channel I told you about. It WAS in How I Got The Story which I know you’ve mentioned before, and because it repeats the same line over and over that was what led you to decide you didn’t like it.
A huge challenge that I haven’t been able to focus enough on to make it completely right, is to isolate which Costello songs appear in each of the films especially the early ones where the music wasn’t credited to him, as in the Nova films where it’s heard along with Good Times Coming. Just wanted to clarify that.
I’m not the biggest fan of “load face”. Eeeew! So that’s what you call it – a first for me. : /
#3 – That being said, I still think this picture is hot! It seems every Nova picture from “How I Got the Story” is terrific! Both Christopher and Matthews look great here!
I love when ripped, sweaty porn stars; flex and tense their muscles, as they’re cumming – drives me wild!
I’m not so sure though, that this ejaculation stream is genuine. Often they tend to photo-shop this in, later. It can’t be a coincidence, that so many of these outbursts have the same consistency and length.
You see this often, in action photos from Falcon. : )
Bj, this is a bit off topic, but is on topic as far as it is regarding vintage. I also left this comment on the Tom Deluc post, as follows:
Heh BJ, I’m still fairly new to vintage (five years), and this movie “School Daze” I just saw lastnight. I was totally blown away by the quality of what was 16 mm film converted to video! Very cleanly put together. And of course the music is a revelation. But I have one BIG question and being the obsessive person I am, I can’t rest until I know who the curly haired golden-blone guy was? He appears in the opening scene where Tom lubes up his dick with heavy lube, and Tom puts his dick in his ass. Also, I’m wondering if that blonde is either Dave Henderson or Rob Schott as those guys are noted in the beginning credits. Also is the blonde guy in the window at the opening scene, the same blonde in that hot scene with Tom, as Tom grabs his big dick lubes it up with that white stuff? (I’m not sure what that lube is called). Thanks so much for any infor you or your folowers can give regarding the curly headed blone guy in the first scene of “School Daze”.