
lumberjack Stan?

Sometime ago I downloaded a generic compilation video with a name like “Vintage Hairy Daddies” with the idea of looking through and seeing if there’s anything interesting, hard to find, or otherwise blogworthy. Finally took a look, pulled a couple interesting segments that I could identify, a few I couldn’t, and this one – where I know I should know who this is, and all I could come up with is “STAN”. Was about to post just the video, but found a couple pics labeled Stan The Man. But I’ll let one of you do the rest of the work, view and tell us who this is, what is the name of this clip, who his partner is or just – where can I get a perm like that?

11 replies on “lumberjack Stan?”

It is called Thrust Of The Lumberjack. I think Stan went by another name but I don’t remember it. As for the partner that is Jeff Cameron. I would know him anywhere!!

OMG, what a great clip! STAN the MAN! I know nothing about it, but I love it.

I wish I could see more of both men. I think I must respectfully disagree about the partner being Jeff Cameron. I just don’t see it. But I do see the similarity.

Isn’t it great how in gay porn if you find a naked guy sleeping it’s OK to just molest him until he wakes up and then he just goes with it? (A la New York Men and dozens of other films).

Whoever they are – hot men, hot clip! Thanks BJ!

OK, I’ve obsessed about this long enough. If you look at the video from 4:23 to 4:30 you get a good look at “David’s” face. I just don’t see Jeff Cameron. Jeff Cameron’s eyes were blue and he had a pronounced chin and jaw that I don’t really see here. That’s just my opinion. Maybe it is him and the film is just too grainy or he just looks younger or something. I wish it was. I’m a huge Jeff Cameron fan.

I think it is Jeff. No date on the Richard Moore loops, so I would guess mid 1970’s. The first pic, I don’t see it. The second and third are what makes me think it’s him. Yeah, I believe it is. Younger, and not as rugged as his later Target work.

Now I am becoming obsessed by this! I took another look and tried to break it down by frame. In some I would definitely say it is him, in others not so much. Hmm, I might have to run it through some facial recognition software! LOL.

OK – back to Stan – this is why I need to figure out a way to make comments searchable on my website, right?

all that info was right here in BJland! (thank you Reginald and other guy :) )

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