
unknown blond #2

deciding the best title for a post sometimes takes up way too much of my time – but often it comes down to visuals – if it’s “fun” but lengthy, then it runs into 2 lines, and doesn’t look so great. For example, I was going to title this “Shawn Michaels struggling to pull on his shorts turned me gay”

Randy (Jim Bentley) and Kurt (Shawn Michaels) stop at a gas station for beer. Two blonds (Joe Gere & unknown blond #2) invite them to get high in their van, but Kurt is sidetracked by Debbie, a girl from class he runs into who needs a ride home. Randy jumps into the van with the blonds and they take hits from a bong……

Getting It (California Dream Machine, 1985) – review on REDDIT

in the name of leather pornoclips

you want it Randy, huh?

HUH? indeed! – WTF? I certainly watched this film a bazillion times in the mid to late 80’s at the porno theatre, but somehow didn’t remember the lady screams, the werewolf sounds, and, wait – was that a “train in the night” sound? Scary winds sounds, and more lady screams… and scariest of all…. Shawn Michaels. OK, just kidding, at least it’s not blond-version Shawn Michaels.

oops – did I leave out the part where Jim Bentley wakes up, and it was all a dream?? Or…… was it….? Opening sequence from Getting It (1985)

"vintage" porn stars


I started typing stuff, then got distracted, then tired, then very distracted, and thought, Happy V Day should suffice. And of course, internal link to more Butch Barnes

vintage gay t-shirts

New York Man

more vintage t-shirts, please – oh, and Chad, who’s your friend?

90's porn pornoclips


Sold this back in 2007, even though I really dug this movie, I just can’t keep everything (the huzbear may disagree), and of course needed the $$$. But I clearly recall this favorite scene, and I just found it on my harrdrive, in a sorta hidden folder. Checked, never posted, and the reason is clear – this 8-minute (partial) scene was 1.1 gigabytes! Bandwidth was much more expensive back then – can you imagine how long it would’ve “buffered”? Anyhoo, converted it, and with no loss of quality (not to say it’s a good quality dupe) here we go:

from my auction notes on this scene:
“When the action changes to Scott Russel sitting in a public restroom staring through a glory hole, it becomes clear what’s on his menu – Cliff Parker. Parker approaches the glory hole and shoves his crotch toward Russel’s hot mouth. Russel’s butt is poised for attention, and Cliff goes for it both ways. Cruz Lennox comes in can’t resist getting involved, kneeling down and enjoying Cliff’s ass. When the restroom door opens again, Russel is scared off, and Lennox gets an incredibly worked up Cliff Parker go at him – amazing scene!”

anyone who has actually engaged in “tea-room sex” can relate to the sound of the door opening and the ensuing scuffle!

Director: Steven Scarborough (1994) 79 minutes running time

Gosh – was sooooo into him in the 90’s, and yet it’s been years since I’ve posted about Cliff Parker!


now in 8MM and Super 8!

nope, no hints, no guessing, I just liked this ad.

Al Parker


I’m sure one of you can look at the font and figure out which publication put this calendar out back in… back in… 1978?