Have I ever made a “tag” for “El Paso Wrecking Corp.”?
probably not a bad idea, but exhausting! and this teaser pic, where I haven’t included the actual cover pic, or inside pic, of Mr. Halsted? An experiment, as I keep forgetting that the wordpress program automatically resizes images, so I can leave larger file sizes for folks to right click on and view, or save, bigger. Or if on your phone or tablet, you can do that 2 finger thing. No, not THAT 2 finger thing! dirty minds!
Actually, I really liked looking at Richard Locke and Clay Russell – and seeing how much taller Richard is! Is the text saying the 3rd man (with clothes on) is Same Gage?
5 replies on “opposite top, and our coverman”
btw I came across this Bright Lights Film Journal Joe Gage interview from October 31, 2003. Apparently Richard Locke was a real wild child! I can believe it!
VintageLover, that was a really cool article. Thanks!
I love seeing this kind of BTS stuff. These days a lot of studios do this and I’m not sure how I feel about it. With the internet and cellphone cameras everything seems overexposed today, but give me anything from the 70s or 80s that shows me something I haven’t seen before! Love it.
i had to stop, and think – BTS is that teen band all the kids like? oh oh – Behind The Scenes!
You silly.