
just some random images cluttering up my desktop that I forgot why they are there – the one above? HA! That cock is so obviously photo-shopped on!
drafts folder is down to 43 drafts!! quite manageable, and hoping to bring that down somemore, but that makes me OK to do more new ideas, instead of the old ones that got a quick draft, and then neglected for days, weeks, or months
I know he’s only been in one porno, but have I only mentioned Fernando once before, in 2003?
“ Fernando , a well-known personality at the bars and gay restaurants in New York appears as the only performer in the film. As a modern-day Narcissus he roams the City to seek out his image — one that beguiles him. Fernando, off camera holds some 36 trophies to his credit – being named Mr. Leather, Mr. Congeniality and a host of other plaudits from his peers. He has appeared in 13 other films, was photographed for Mandate, The Advocate and his photo appeared in Esquire as part of their article, “The New Homosexuality.” Fernando is at home in leather riding his Italian motorcycle to one of his favorite bars Badlands or One Potato. When he’s not in the City he’s on vacation seeing places like South America, Mexico or Europe.”
So that was lifted from GEVI, who got it from some promotional materials – BUT BUT BUT I will say I remember seeing an autographed pic of Fernando on the wall of an Italian restaurant on East 4th St in the mid 80’s; and I also recall a glimpse of him in Cruising – remember Malo was the first victim in that film? – I’ve often wondered what other porn stars were in those bar scenes…. and the “missing 40 minutes” to get the R-rating? I digress.. Gosh, Badlands I remember well; but don’t think I’ve ever been to either One Potato or Two Potato – I do recall seeing both on Christopher Street.
so the above is a 5-minute clip from Leather Narcissus , I think of the ending (I couldn’t locate a promo preview, alas); and below is the entire 28-minute film. Some date it back to 1971, but I’ve also read that it’s earlier, or at least the filming of it was – I suppose checking out some of the locales in the film might help (wait, would I know the difference between 1967 NYC and 1971 NYC? nope). The VHS copy I have I am pretty sure includes another film, Clouds, from the smae time period, I imagine it was included to, with perhaps some promo clips, round of to a full 60-minute tape. One day I’ll dig it up and see! Meanwhile, check out the film.
“LEATHER NARCISSUS, a film conceived, directed and photographed by Avery Willard (AKA Bruce King) and starring Fernando will have its world premiere at the Big Top Theatre on Broadway and 49th Street on Wednesday, August 16th. Filmed in and around New York City, the film tells the fascinating story, in modern fantasy, of the Narcissus myth. The film, originally an underground sensation, was shown to a select few under the auspices of the Mattachine Society. Soon after, prints found their way to some of the leather bars, and finally it was decided to bring this extraordinary film to the viewing public at the Big Top!
These additional pics of Fernando – the first is from Queens Quarterly, Summer 1970 edition – doesn’t the other guy look like “Buck Jones” the star of The Devil and Mr. Jones – and the second is Fernando with a guy named Frank Paz – there are more from this series, but if you look closely at the wall, you’ll see why I opted out of showing more.
“I’m acting with my eyes” – ever see Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train? Well, Farley Granger’s girlfriend, a Senator’s daughter, has this scene where she doesn’t speak, raises and lowers her eyebrows, and opens her eyes bigger and smaller – and it always makes me think – “I’m acting with my eyes” – and Matt Sterling seems to have tried this with every mid-80’s film to show cruising – close ups of eyes – “acting” – and I can’t not think about Ruth Roman’s acting when I see Jim Pulver and Jeff Quinn here (Jeff has another stellar performance in Bigger Than Life). So, check out the clip above, and pause, let the cruise wash over you before watching the complete clip below. Do you think this scene is what got them the 1985 Adult Video News Best Video award? ( or maybe it was the Tony Stefano scene)
somehow, we made it! Happy Happy dear readers – both of you! Just teasing. Been a blast; hoping 2022 is as well.
so let’s celebrate with some unknown mustached blond guy enjoying some Mickey, ok? (my interns haven’t come up with anything yet on an I.D.)