"vintage" porn stars

The Photographer

Such a great shot, above, from In Heat #6 magazine (1979); which is from Scott Taylor’s solo scene in The Boys of Venice Beach. I know some folks don’t care for Scott’s later work (i.e. How to Enlarge Your Penis ), but I love these from 1979 (part of an 8-page spread!) The one above, floppy slab of meat before he gets his hands on it.

more Scott Taylor

3 replies on “The Photographer”

I have been obsessed with Scott Taylor ever since I was 17 and came across a “sexual-oddity” feature in a straight porn mag with him showing off his solo-suck skills. Later, I sought out all of his films one by one. He was an unusual guy in a lot of ways but my favorite is that dick and what he could do with it.

Oddly, one of my favorite scenes of his was not an auto-fellatio scene, but just a solo JO. An incredible solo JO! From Christopher Rage’s SoloJerk.

I love this early scene also.

I think Boys of Venice was my first purchased VHS Video. I really went wacko for cock size and his auto fellatio skills . It was hotter than many paired scenesIve viewed. Very flexible and talented guy.

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