nothing personal stud, but I ain’t looking at you, but at your AMAZING T-Shirt with the Fire Island Fever logo on it! These pics popped out immediately from that magazine with Paul, er, Joe I posted a week or two ago. Photography by Malcolm Hoare.

nothing personal stud, but I ain’t looking at you, but at your AMAZING T-Shirt with the Fire Island Fever logo on it! These pics popped out immediately from that magazine with Paul, er, Joe I posted a week or two ago. Photography by Malcolm Hoare.
from the Manhard Books series – MH-494
written by: Sebastian Lamb – 186 pages, published 1979
I’m sure you recognize the photo, coming from the 1975 film Dreamer with Richard Locke and Clay Grant.
Somebody sure liked those prints from the movie! (As do I, of course) – previously: Mouth Piece and S & M Bike Cop – both also with Dreamer pics
sometime while scouring my hard drive, looking back at the comment from earlier in the day I thought – “WAIT! Why am I looking for the source of a pic from a post OVER TEN YEARS AGO???!!!??” I had, actually, found the model, and I thought the magazine, Playguy, Vol 5 No 4 (1980) and realized I still had that issue! Alas, it’s him, but not the snowy pics – I’m sure it’s him, but where is he all snowy?? After 15 hours without power, this is what I am using the computer for? But, using my search skills, once I found not the same pic, but this pic above that had to be the same photo shoot, I found the issue, something I sold in 2017, but had the html file with my notes – Snowbound (cover/center – Eric Perkins, photographer) – 3 2-page photographs! and then searching my files I found the scans, all 9 of them from my eBay auction, high resolution, but, alas, not the 2-pager that I was asked about… OK, I’ve led the horse to water… wait, is that the expression I am looking for? Exhausticated. must. sleep
just love this shot, love Richard Locke, and love the film it comes from, Kansas City Trucking Co. (1976)
Good example of yet another topic/tag – “great pics, where’s the film/video” – since there was indeed a film – Leather Lovers (1978) – but no (currently known) VHS, DVD, or digital version….
These particular pics of Dan Pace and Norm come from the 1978 magazine THE LEATHERMEN – which I sold back in 2006 – arrrggghhhh! (see cover below)
but variations from this photo shoot / film are also scattered among several “House of Milan” photomagazines in the Men of Action, Action Male, and Men of Action in Bondage series.
promo for the film: “LEATHER LOVERS stars two new discoveries, Dan and Norm. Besides having great bodies, these two super studs share a love for leather and rough sex and in this unique movie there’s plenty of both! Wishing to torment his slave, Dan rolls him over and grinds his leather heel into the slave’s crotch and strokes his enormous cock as Norm writhes in agony! His slave has not resisted this punishment and as a reward Dan sits squarely on his face! His reaction is immediate, his body tenses with effort as he pounds his meat! Norms’ obedience has its rewards.”
Such a great shot, above, from In Heat #6 magazine (1979); which is from Scott Taylor’s solo scene in The Boys of Venice Beach. I know some folks don’t care for Scott’s later work (i.e. How to Enlarge Your Penis ), but I love these from 1979 (part of an 8-page spread!) The one above, floppy slab of meat before he gets his hands on it.
more Scott Taylor
(another post languishing in my drafts folder for months, likely longer – so “publish” and make corrections, additions later!)
Okay, so maybe my German ain’t so good, but this post actually started as a “men in suits” post. But then, searching my hard-drive, I could find no Ledermeister pics with him suited up; in fact, he’s usually barely wearing anything (not that there’s anything wrong with that)! So I started looking for publications, films, where he might have a suit on, and then a list began to form (see below) and I figured, what the heck, that’s a post. So, leather master, no suit ? These fine photos will have to do. And the way he fills out those leather pants, and jeans…..
MORE Ledermeister on BJland
you may remember him from such films as
and/or you may remember from such magazines as