
who you may remember from such films as
I need to dig out Modern Men and refresh my memory on Mark’s role – I think my VHS copy isn’t such great quality, but heck, still need to see it, right?
and in these publications:
more Mark Rutter on BJland
Mark Rutter at GEVI
OK – why not some Sunday silliness –
Director: ?? – no director “credited” – this scene with MIKE – the Superhero – can you pick him out below?
I had one of these hot images in my XMAS folder, and before posting, wanted to get the source, and any more info. I got lost in erotic Xmas art on google, of course, but eventually got what looks like a current home / webpage of the artist – @dchooidoodles – Don Chooi. Some of you know my aesthetic, which includes cropping images to suit my own taste, and that almost always includes cropping off words – titles, sources, etc. But I thought, in fairness to this excellent artist, who is still around and very productive, if you click any of the 3 images above, you’ll get the full image before my own hack job.
who you may remember from such films as
OK OK OK – I know I’m not giving him the full videography treatment, as I’ve been trying to include magazines, as well. Sorry, Vic, I just needed to move this out of the drafts folder already!
update: – OK, I had to do add some periodicals!
who you may remember from such magazines as:
more Victor Houston on BJland
more Victor Houston on GEVI