apparently, this is not my first boots post
but let me leave you with this one I call “Unfortunate fold”

OKAY one more

the quality of the photo isn’t the best – but the model, the pose, the lighting, the “what’s this guy doing can I watch will he let me” quality… that’s the ticket
8 replies on “boots4u”
Oh man….Steve Kalso knows how to OPEN A CROTCH–you know how much I admire studs who can do it so that they look even more naked than naked. Total confidence and awareness of his own beauty. Amazing balls, and hard to know whether it’s Prick, Ass, or Balls I find most alluring. Is he a bear? I know that has been a subject of debate about exactly what it is. I think I love some bears, in that case (if he is and some others), as much as even totally aesthetic dancer-like boys like Buddy was.
I am just addicted to you now, you keep coming up with these studs I’ve never heard of, and all of whom I’d marry–just for the Sex!
I’m going to be like Obsessed with his “Vertical Size Queen”, “Stud Muffin”, and the rest of his immaculate personal vocabulary.
I will call such photos as I’ve enjoyed like the one here “Showcase Photos”. Like Jose Garcia’s crotch when he’s sucking off Steve Collins and Franco Gonella’s gorgeous manhood sucking off Jeff Turk. And Buddy and Mark Rutter, of course…
“Showcase photos” are the ultimate in Exhibitionism, outrageous and flamboyant in throwing all the charisma into fabulous uninhibited genitals and ass. Probably my favourite Prickland photos, and this predilection, at least in me, is very fetishy and perverted and Satanically religious.
Hi — this maybe isn’t the place for this but I can’t email. I’ve been looking for years for a movie that was some young guys cruising the city and two ended up in a bedroom where one guy ‘passed out’ on his bed after drinking and the other gave him a blowjob after undressing him. I think this link is a clip from that movie. Thanks for any help in advance!!!
I enjoy your blog very much. https://straightishbullybro.tumblr.com/post/668772788364099584/hrefli
totally wrong place! heehee – teasing – I think it’s from Sizing Up – scene 2: Doug Cory passes out from too much drinking, so his pal Joe Craig helps him into bed… cue the music…
Yeah, boots! That last photo is perfect BJ. That’s the ticket indeed.
Pretty much love all these. Somehow boots with sweat socks are hotter.
Number 2, love it! Neal Shaw, Clay Russell, Ryder Knight (aka Bo) and of course Steve Kelso!
Where did that last pic come from? Never seen it.
Thanks, BJ!
oops – tag for last photo was wrong – that’s what happens when you copy/paste without following up with full edit! something so wonderfully inviting about it – inviting like LOOK, but also he might not let you touch!
Oh yeah, double-G double-M Gregg Stromm. So hot! Thanks.
When MEN were MEN, things are starting to go back that way, and I’m glad as hell to see it. Face Fur is coming back….thank Gawd!