Director: Jason Sato (1982)
a scene from Skin Flix – 3-Way Orgy – “Joe goes over to two friends’ house. The friends just picked up Brad Peters and are starting the sex. Joe is invited to join in but is too angry so he declines.”
OR – hairy Brad Peters (still have that videography in my “drafts” folder) has a hot 3-way with 2 other guys

what’s wrong with this picture?
So, as I am reviewing the scene, I realize (think/assume) I’m hearing the instrumental version of Blondie’s Call Me , but jsut to be sure do a shazaam on it and find it’s actually Palm Springs Drive. So then I shazaam the rest of the clip:
- Palm Springs Drive from Giorgio Moroder from the American Gigilo soundtrack – so I was pretty darn close
- The Gold Bug from Alan Parsons Project
- I really Love You from Heaven & Earth
OK, enuf work for one day (this took me longer!)
4 replies on “3-Way Orgy”
Oooh great, you found some more! I’m sure it’s a lot easier with shazam to identify the music, particularly the instrumental tracks which don’t have any lyric clues to investigate. I bet that’s part of the reason artists like Moroder, Ponty or Jarre show up in so many different films, I mean everybody recognized ONJ’s Physical when the two guys were jacking off together in Doing It in the bathroom next door to Michael Christopher. But if it’s an instrumental track they stole, it can be more obscure to identify, especially in the years before the apps that ID it for you.
The box cover has Jon King but the credits only show his “brother” J.W. King, so that was either a legit mistake or trying to capitalize on how hot Jon was then by implying that Jon was in this one. Who are the other two guys in the clip you posted? Gevi doesn’t give the other guy’s names, just wondering if you recognized either of them. It’s not J.W. (or Jon, duh), or Chris Burns, or Greg Dale. I don’t think it’s Jim Curry either, who was Bill Curry in Members Only. So I guess that leaves the other credited cast as possibilities. The guy with the cockrings on has a nice boner, and Brad was of course hot, hung and hairy as usual.
At the risk of poking your cage with a stick, I have a someday request, feel free to tack it onto your ‘maybe I’ll add this to the drafts folder but not yet’ folder lol. And if you found this and could post it here sometime I’d be very grateful since I’ve never found it online. OK, so it’s the end of Spokes, FVP 033, and everybody has just cum on Leo Ford. As the actual film ends, the videotape releases would immediately start up with a long, extended preview block of all of the Falcon videopacs before 33, except for FVP 001 (the first Aspen) which for some reason isn’t included. It starts out with a guy reading “Falcon videopac number two” and then a different guy reads the promo descriptions for the scenes as they play on the screen. Each one is a minute or more long, then the first guy says “number three” and the promo guy reads about those. So the whole thing was like, twenty minutes, maybe even a half hour? Of some great previews with lots of the cumshots included. I think this is why some of the release notes for Spokes indicate it’s much longer than the one hour almost exactly that the film itself runs. I hope I’m making sense … it’s like the full extended version of Falcon previews all strung together, and I’m pretty sure it was tacked onto the end of Spokes. Couldn’t think how to describe it better than that, thanks BJ cheers.
1) yes – my pet peeve – box cover art that includes models not in the film! Often it’s later packaging, and HIS is notorious for this, BIJOU does it, as do others. GRRRRRRRR!
2) hmmm, dunno who is in the scene with Brad – Jim Curry, Rick Kim, Ted Stephen, Kris Taylor, or John Milo (they seem to have done one or 2 at most films) – sold it back in 2003, and my description, alas, doesn’t indicate who’s in the scene except Brad. The film itself gives no clue, either, the order of credits doesn’t indicate who is partnered with who. or whom.
3) Falcon previews/promos? you’re looking to see all the previews that come at the end of a Falcon tape? or specifically the one after Spokes? or did I misunderstand the question/request entirely? I do know they often had extensive previews to make up for the shortness of the actual movie – Other Side of Aspen 1 – the cut edition is only 35 minutes!!! so they have a bazillion previews afterwards. I do have SPOKES somewhere, buried, but its in here somewhere!
re: Skin Flix – there are ten guys credited for the film on gevi, Brad was one of them and easy to i.d. J.W. shows up at the door but sadly says he’s going to hide in a corner, so it’s not him. Obviously not Greg Dale or Chris Burns, and like I said I don’t think either of the other guys were Jim/Bill Curry. Which leaves John Milo, Kris Taylor, Rick Kim, Ted Stephen and Tom Richard as the remaining possibilities, most of which were only credited for this film. At the very beginning of the clip you posted Brad says ‘c’mon Rick drink up’ and hands the guy with the mustache a can of beer, so we could assume that was Rick Kim, but it was the younger clean shaven guy with the amazing tan line ass and some kind of cockring / leather shoelace combo around his balls and uncut dick who I was mostly wondering about, since that caused him to get nice and hard. Just wondered if you knew who that guy was, no worries.
re: Falcon – I knew I was going to struggle to describe that, yes it’s specifically at the end of Spokes though I know Falcon stuck a few of those previews onto the end of lots of their releases. I dug out my VHS copy of Spokes last night (that I recorded onto a blank tape long ago) and watched it, it does run for at least 20 minutes and covers many of the early FVP preview clips, but not all of them as they skip a few other numbers in addition to FVP 001. If you watch the tail end of the clip below:
You can see and hear what I’m talking about, sadly the uploader cut the previews off right after they started. But you hear the guy say “videopac number 2” and then a different guy reading the scene description as the preview plays, and it kept on like this as they ran through a bunch of the pacs. I’m looking for the full 20-30 minute block of these previews, I never taught myself how to transfer from VHS to digital so I’m hoping I can find somebody else who has seen this and might be able to do it. On the gevi page for Spokes:
There’s a note that reads “Instead of one or more bonus scenes nearly 30 minutes of Falcon promo’s starting with FVP 002, is added at the end of the DVD release” which leads me to think it wasn’t just on the VHS release but DVD too, but the only place I know I’ve seen all of them in one place like this is on the VHS tape I taped in my own collection. That was one of my homemade tapes that I watched the most, it has Spokes, Dangerous, Dune Buddies and Route 69 and I could just watch it start to finish and not even fast forward much. Like I said, if you ever get the chance I’d appreciate it if you managed to locate it and put it here, but no rush. Much obliged.
Love JW the King. I’m surprised I don’t remember this vid very well. Excellent profile! Thanks for all the hard work.