Mickey Squires pornstar - videography

Jack Hacker

who you may remember from such films as:

  • Un couple moderne ou Cock Story (1978) AKA Cocktales – as John Best
  • New York City Inferno (1978) aka From Paris to New York – as John Houston
  • Hot Delivery (1979) – as John Best – from John Gamble
  • Hot Lather (1979) – as John Best – from John Gamble
  • A&E 27 solo from AMG (?)
  • The Come-On (1979) (COLT MV-52) w/Mickey Squires
  • Playing with Danger (1979) (COLT MV-67) w/Clint Lockner

Jack Hacker previously on BJland

  • THE GAMBLE MEN (1978) from John Gamble
  • HONCHO (Dec 1978) photos from John Gamble
  • NUMBERS (Nov 1979) likely COLT photos
  • Colt Men 6 (1979)
  • Manhandlers #3 (1979) from John Gamble
  • COLT Videoview #1 (1986)

8 replies on “Jack Hacker”

In the first sex scene from NYC Inferno [aka Macho Men / Hotter Than Hell / From Paris to NY], this guy plays the taxi driver who picks the French boyfriend up from the airport. I hadn’t seen this in a long time until I wrote a reddit review of it earlier this year, what’s fascinating about that scene is how realistic it is, lots of cinema verite or mondo cinema going on throughout the film. While some directors might have constructed a set designied to look like a slaughterhouse, they just found one (I can’t imagine they had a permit to film a porn scene there, gay or straight) and stealth shot it with an actual side of beef hanging on a hook, and used some of the natural drippings they found in there as lube for what looks like a quick but real fisting sequence. John / Jack was hot but I can’t say that scene turned me on much, though it sure was memorable and interesting from a cinema perspective.

If anyone wants to read my review, first of all I type a lot so it’s in a wall of text format, just be forewarned. Also, since it’s an NSFW section of reddit I believe you have to a) have a reddit account, b) be signed in and c) consent to seeing adult content. The link is below:

wow! thanks – adding link to your reddit post! I have the film ready to post, also at 87 minutes….but with my moratorium on new posts before bringing down the drafts folder (from 89 down to 73!) whi knows – or maybe just a clip as teaser, especially since you pinpoint where Jack is. I haven’t watched the entire film, just bits and pieces, and figured this winter would be catch up time for a lot of pornos… i mean, that netflix queue…

Thanks for adding the link, that’s been my porn-related project this year to write up big long reviews of films I either remember, or just stumbled upon now that it’s so much easier to find vintage porn online than it ever used to be. I’ve actually written over 90 of them since I started moderating that sub of reddit in April, my goal is to make it to 100 by the end of the year, fingers crossed. And it’s all me doing the reviews, in a way that sub has turned into my own blog since I never started one myself. Anybody can comment but nobody else can post there at least yet, which keeps it looking neat and organized (to me anyway, maybe it’s a bit of an ego boost too?) Sometimes a few people on reddit can just carpet bomb a subreddit with low effort posts (pics especially) which buries everything else and makes it hard to find quality content, but I wanted to leave something behind that hopefully aims a bit higher in the grand scheme of things. And besides, as I know you know about me, I like words :D

I told you that Derrick Stanton has found that sub, and commented on some of the films didn’t I? I can’t prove it’s really Derrick but it’s someone using that name as his user name, and from the comments he’s said I believe it’s really him. Some of the films I’ve reviewed you probably wouldn’t be as into, the Higgins ones for example, but there have been more than a few where I know they are movies you’ve seen and talked about here, Bullet Videopac #1 most recently:

And if you go exploring the links I leave at the top of every review you’re going to find lots of trackbacks to your blog, if the films have guys you’ve discussed. You and retro studs are the two I’ve linked to the most I’d say, for guys who want to see pics of the actors in addition to the films.

By the way excellent getting your drafts folder down from near 100 I think you said, you’ve been a busy and productive bee. Cheers buddy.

I have yet to listen to it – on my long list of porn work to catch up on – I find reading easier than listening, as I am too often tempted to do something else with a podcast on – but will check it out, as I have enjoyed others in the series

#3 – Just fabulous, a great picture with Mickey Squires! Just what I love – sexual heat, and affection warmth! I only wish; there wasn’t a dividing, white narrow line. : (

#7 – Oh mercy me! Moose truly has a hairy torso! You can mistake it for a sweater! : /

If only, this was a loop! : 0

Here’s another picture of Moose and Jack, which I was going to link elsewhere. It might as well be here for Jack, instead of a post for Moose. See below. Thank you, Vint70s–Lvr.! : )

Love this! They look great together! I’ll keep saying this, ad nauseam! Much as I love, body, dick, and ass; with me, it has to start with the face! I then, work my way down! : P

A guy doesn’t necessarily have to be handsome, in order for me to find him desirable.

But his face HAS to be compelling or appealing! And ABOVE everything else, he must look masculine! Rugged and earthy, are tops – so powerful! Nothing beats, two hot, manly men getting it on; in all-male porn – FUCK YEAH! : )

Moose and Jack Hacker are just what the dick orders! Perfect examples that aren’t pretty, but undeniably sexy – blue collar appeal! “Rough Diamonds” to quote, Johnny-My Pet-Llama!

I don’t like the description “ugly-hot”, but you get the idea. : |

I love that Moose, has the face of a boxer – pugnacious! His flat nose, slight overbite, large square head, big ears, and receding hairline, all contribute to his virility – ! : 0

There’s a delicate dichotomy, in Hacker’s rugged, bearded face. Notice he has long eye lashes – fascinating and lyrical! : )

Great work as always, BJ honey! I love that you cover EVERYONE: famous and semi-famous, known and unknown, heralded and non-heralded, beautiful and “interesting”, and EVEN; ugly or generic!

And let’s not forget, guys you like, and don’t – so gracious and generous of you! Thanks! : )

; )

In complete agreement on the importance of a good face. What constitutes that, I’m sure we’d disagree on!

Except Mr Hacker, Mr Squires….

And yet, there are times… in my past, of course… where a face wasn’t so important as other parts, as all of them were poorly lit (I should say dimly, poorly implies not liking the amount of light) and the size, shape, smell, etc of whatever was occupying that dim space was what I was appreciating.

I’ll take a triple scoop of Jack Hacker and then lick, slurp, lick.

He had so many great pairings with sexy men. Men whose own allure created a perfect complementary blend with Mr Hacker’s formidable yet understated stud factor. Mickey Squires, Clint Lockner, Moose, Jake Reilly in Manhandlers 3. As BJ has shown above.

Say, could Jake Reilly (or O’Reilly) be an alias for Roger Olson? Jack Hacker’s set in Manhandler’s no3 has him paired with a man they call Jack Reilly.

Thanks for bringing Jack Hacker out into the light!

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