
The Big One

just a brief clip – Sparky O’Toole and Clark Lindsay are stuck in an elevator when the quake hits, but make the most of their time – the video is about sex before, during, and after an EARTHQUAKE – with actual special effects!

Director: Chet Thomas (1988); Music by: Costello Presley; special visual effects by: VISION X-TREME

“remember to finish all your meat, or their will be no dessert”

The Big One at Gay Erotic Video Index

7 replies on “The Big One”

Wow, BJ! I keep saying you must be psychic! Our brain synapses seem to connect! : 0

What a coincidence! Right after I commented about Colt’s “Buddy”; you post about another porn star, that somewhat resembles him – Kevin Glover aka Clark Lindsay! Thanks for reminding me! : )

He obviously had some acting ability and training. I read somewhere, that he was actually in a mainstream film, about Viet Nam P.O.W.s – “The Hanoi Hilton (1987)”. But don’t quote me!

I only know him as Kevin Glover. Let me correct myself, by saying he used the name Clark Lindsay; in another porn film, which I didn’t mention before – Catalina’s “Top Man (1988)”. That makes three titles.

I don’t want to repeat myself about Glover or “The Big One (1988)”, so I’ll just link to what I said before:

It’s fascinating, that you’re recently doubling down on porn stars; that had little or no muscle(s) / tone – Kevin Glover, Buddy (Colt), Ray Fuller, Clint Rogers, Dan Kennedy, and let’s not forget, R. J. Reynolds! : /

What gives?! I know you do like number of buff porn stars; though you obviously prefer big dicks, over big guns! : )

I get it. You’re not a “muscle queen”, like MOI! But a little tone never hurt anyone – healthy! : )

; )

I’ll have to watch this again, for the effects as well as the music. By 88 Costello wasn’t nearly as creative or original as in his early period of 82 to 85 or so, he was recycling tunes from other films, that tended to be more new age sounding than the synth-driven songs from earlier. Also Catalina by this time was substituting in instrumental music by other artists at times, either in the original film versions or certainly by the time they started releasing and restoring movies for DVD. So there are films where you see Costello’s name in the credits, but it’s not all necessarily his music.

The Brian Adams on the cover, with the blond blow dried hair, I had forgotten that he was Joe Cade’s lover for at least a few years around then. Did you ever see the episode of Donahue with the porn stars? It aired in 1988, I watched it once soon after it was on, and would love to see it again someday but I’ve never found it. I did some digging a few years ago and believe the following guys were featured: Brian Adams, Joe and Justin Cade, Tim Kramer, Kevin Williams, Richard Locke and *maybe* Al Parker too? Or it could have been that Al was on a different episode. If you or anyone know how to find that online that would be fascinating.

It’s been so long since I’ve seen it that I can’t remember exactly who was on it, I could be mistaken about Richard though he was still alive then. I found a few random websites that alluded to it and the guys who were in it, and the gevi pages for most of the guys I named above indicate as such in the notes section. Do the other names look right to you? And you don’t happen to have a copy of it on an old VHS tape or anything, do you?

I can’t remember if I ever saw this. I know I wanted to. I had a massive lust crush on Brian Adams. The photo of him – with the torn, wet, almost-translucent t-shirt over his hardon – WOW. Similar to above, but slightly different. It appeared in ads in the monthlies and boy did I have a good time with that image!

I look at it now and it’s still hot, but that hair! Frosted mullet? And I remember he was frequently photographed in bike shorts. What was that about?

Funny, I don’t remember the video at all. But a lotta’ hotties. Kurt Bauer and Nick Cougar. A lotta’ switch hitters it looks like, maybe gay4pay? I guess that was gay porn in the late 80s. I’d love to see more, particularly Adams’ scenes. But I’ll always have that photo!

At the time Brian’s frosted, blow dried mullet was very fashionable, at least within the gay men subset of guys, though certainly rather cringe-worthy to look back on from the present day. But hey, if his nice thick dick was crammed down my throat I wouldn’t have cared what his hair looked like ;) That pic is very sexy though.

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