"vintage" porn stars

richard woodsman

this came up a couple weeks back, and our buddy JohnnyLlama submitted more pics from David Meets the Woodsman, (1978), the film/magazine with Dick Miller (called Richard Miller here – very confusing!) and David Carter and also by David Carter! While it’s known I’m not a big David Carter fan (the face, the too much muscle focus – who knows?) this spread has stuff I dig – macho props (ax!, denim!, construction helmet! – wait, what – for chopping wood? ummm, ok….), furry torso, and that last pic really does it – tender and shows off Mr Miller’s fine fine ass!

5 replies on “richard woodsman”

Well done, BJ. You pulled out some of the best images. Such a hot mag (and film)! I love muscles, so I don’t mind David Carter, although he can keep the helmet on please. That said, I admit to preferring Dick Miller. He can be my woodsman any day! And he can wear any hat he wants!

I can answer your question, BJ. When you say “hard hat” it’s much sexier and therefore justified, right? Some props/costumes are just hot. It harkens back to the physique photography era. Just put a hot guy next to a giant column. Or have him heft a sledge hammer. Or drape him in thick chains. It’s gay porn math. Naked dude + hard hat = sploosh.

I’d like to quote my favorite line from one of the worst movies of the past 5 years Fifty Shades of Grey:

“I don’t make love. I fuck…HARD.” -Christian Grey

I almost fell out of my seat.

My dearest BJ!

I’m back! Sorry to be such a NAG, but this is my last- ditch effort; to have you warm up to David Carter! : )

I know you’re not a fan, but no matter, you still bring attention to him – important! : 0

This is VERY late, but I had to thank you for this post. : )

This isn’t the first time that you provided me with an opportunity, to celebrate an unheralded porn star; while actually – only meaning to spotlight another. As I always say, your generosity and graciousness can never be underestimated. I’m such a shameless opportunist, and suck-up! : /

I truly feel as a performer, author, producer, director, publisher, and entrepreneur; Mr. Carter deserves so much more credit – a real porn, go-getter! : 0

Carter wasn’t handsome, but I DO think he had interesting, dark compelling look. I wonder what his ancestry was – Native America, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, Slavic, Jewish?

During the late 60’s, and mostly in the 70’s, you had quite a number of television crime dramas; that featured dark, interesting, “ethnic”, various sized, actors – that weren’t romantically handsome.

Most were compelling and virile; but you wouldn’t describe them as romantic swains, heart-throbs, or dream-boats.

I’m talking about stars like: David Janssen “The Fugitive” and “Harry O”, Jack Lord “Hawaii Five-O”, Mike Connors “ Mannix”, Robert Blake “Baretta”, Tony Musante “Toma”, Barry Newman “Petrocelli”, Peter Falk “Columbo”, Paul Michael Glaser “Starsky and Hutch”, or Judd Hirsch “Delvecchio”.

I would include Telly Savalas “Kojak”, but he was bald! LOL!

I say that David Carter is the porn equivalent, to these “character” types! : )

(I hope these links work! You can enlarge!)

I really like this picture below – furry beast! Evidently, like a lot of bodybuilders, he manscapes. I think he has a Neanderthal appeal – caveman! His fellow bodybuilders at Gold’s Gym, called him; “The Missing Link” – stocky and muscular! : )

These next pictures, I got from “Welcome to My World” – fabulous website (as you know.)! : )

Carter was featured in the January 1976 issue, of BODY magazine. I can’t resist posting the cover below!

What a fabulous model! Does anyone know his name? What a great body, especially his hips! I love the teasing detail, of partially showing his bush! His long lashed, bright blue eyes, are nice too! : )

(I still would do something about the hair. He should also shave off his horseshoe mustache! David Carter; also needs help with his hair – alas, the 70’s!) : 0

He looks a little tubby here. Actually, his body is pretty similar to Dick Miller. Both of them are short, muscular, but still a little “fit-fat”. : )

Fascinating details about his advertised services! He actually lists his P.O. Box, and telephone number!

I used to live close to Venice, California, back in the day. I admit to visiting Muscle Beach, a couple of times; in hopes of seeing him in person – horny teenage stalker! LOL! : )

I remember that he also had classified ads; in mainstream magazines like “Esquire” and “True, A Man’s Magazine”, but without pictures, of course. I still was so titillated! : P

In this last picture, I think he looks rather grand, noble, sensual, and primitive – savage! I wouldn’t care if his vocabulary was limited, he could just grunt – for all I care! We could play “Me Tarzan, you Jane.” LOL!

Will I ever get to see any of his missing, porn loops; interacting with other hot – unheralded, porn studs (listed before)?! I can only hope! Miracles can happen! : P

So for now, this will be my last word on David Carter. : (

I only hope; it won’t be yours! Thanks again! LOL!

; )

I’d love to watch this, but I’m having trouble finding it online. Dick Miller is one of my favorites. Could anyone help?

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