Wakefield Poole

fatal deaths

a bit distressed about the dearth of online outlets reporting on, or even mentioning, Wakefiled Poole’s passing – this from Fatal Deaths . Com (those are the worst kind of deaths, ain’t they?) – um, hmmmm, oh no! NOOOOOO!

BUT – Rialto Report reposted a podcast w/Wakefield Poole and Jim Tushinski (the maker of the Poole documentary, I Always Said Yes: The Many Lives of Wakefield Poole) – I’ve only listend to about 10 minutes so far, so this is also a “bookmark” for me to go back and finish.

One reply on “fatal deaths”

Fatal death- I hate it when that happens. Reminds me of one of my favorite movies: Murder by Death. Spoof of murder mystery movies and literature with a terrific cast including an odd cameo by Truman Capote.

I agree, it’s sad that mainstream or even queer culture doesn’t give as much attention to these things as they deserve. I think all young gay men should be given a short history course to educate them of those who came before and paved the way.

I remember I was in my mid 20s when I read a novel called, “How Long has this Been Going On?” by Ethan Mordden. It’s fiction, but it covers the history of gay male culture from the 50s through the Stonewall riots and the AIDS crisis. I feel like it should be required reading.

Since then I have read many other books which informed similarly, such as a biography of Samuel Steward (aka Phil Andros) who was a true pioneer as was Wakefield, albeit in a different way.

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