I like these pics; may have posted one or more before, but yes, my pet peeve in still photos is the pulled-in tummy, and here, alas, he looks relaxed, more natural
more Dakota (maybe, who knows?????!!!)
I like these pics; may have posted one or more before, but yes, my pet peeve in still photos is the pulled-in tummy, and here, alas, he looks relaxed, more natural
more Dakota (maybe, who knows?????!!!)
9 replies on “
Dakota? someone else? time to retire?”Isn’t the first photo Jim Cassidy?
i mean, I hope not – cuz i’ll just fuckin GIVE UP! (just teasing, but i think it’s dakota, the mouth, nose…. and this point, I have so many mis-labeled pics on the hard drive!!!
ha! and now I see another pic with this pair – JIM CASSIDY and HOG –
BJ, please never say those words.
Of course the bottom two are Dakota and I would’ve said the top one is too, but his eyes are hidden, and Stewart makes a good point. It could be Jim Cassidy. They’re like twins.
But don’t you think the issue that we are all tiptoeing around is that Colt actually thought it’d be a good idea to call one of their models “Hog Chopper?!”
I mean, I love him and his beautiful low-hangers, I do. I love that he’s called Hog Chopper. It’s just ridiculous perfection.
I want Hog Chopper. Wrap him up, I’ll take him home.
B.J.: Do you know who “Buddy” is? he is a superb combination of stylish and super-butch, rugged but also urban. I’d like to see him walk up Madison Avenue–who could deny his chic? All those art galleries–and the patrons would suddenly care nothing about what was on the walls.
What class.
i think he’s in a draft post…. can look and see if I have decent pics – love him above!
Thank you! Yes, he’s a true beauty. I’d like to see more.
Oh my dear, sweet BJ! Once again, WRONG! When will you ever learn? : (
You don’t need to retire! Just listen to me, and take notes! : )
(Ooh boy! Maybe that should also apply, to some of your readers. May I also suggest, a stronger prescription for eye glasses, all around – just saying?) : )
#1 – I already pointed out that this is “Hog Chopper”, with JIM CASSIDY, NOT DAKOTA! HONESTLY! I would hardly describe them as twins! Cassidy is shorter, leaner, with dark blond hair. Dakota is taller, brawnier, with lighter, blond hair – dyed, sun-bleached?
As I’ve said before, they’re both beautiful, graceful stallions! But Cassidy is a thoroughbred, while Dakota is a Clydesdale! : )
Here’s a clue tip. Jim Cassidy very often, wears a necklace and a watch. : )
#2 – Doesn’t Ken Sprague aka Dakota, look gorgeous here?! What a movie star profile! Even though he’s beefy, you can still see his six-pack! The only thing marring this photo is that his nipples have been darkened. Oy vey! : /
Evidently, Jim French had a nipple fetish. All his photos, with Dakota dressed up like cowboy, have this silly detail. : (
You know I worship Jim French, but he wasn’t infallible. He DID have lapses of taste, and also possessed a streak of perversity! Remember, those black net, peek-a-boo panties? : /
His favorite model; the angelic, John Pruitt, had saucer-sized areolas. I’m certain that French; must have also gone wild over model, Fabio “I can’t believe it’s not butter” (Lanzoni)! LOL!
Sorry BJ! The other guy with the black hat and scarf, is NOT Buddy! “Buddy” is tall, lanky, with light hair, and a smooth chest.
This is Kurt Bieber. He’s shorter, with salt and pepper hair, and his chest, is lightly dusted with hair.
Here’s another Colt photo of DAKOTA and KURT BIEBER, together!
Colt Studio (as well as GEVI) also made a lot of mistakes, in their labeling. They claim that Kurt Bieber, along with Dakota and “Peter Schwartz”, all starred in the shaving cream loop, “Studs in Suds (1971)”.
But the “real” Kurt Bieber, clearly isn’t in it. Read where it says “Derek notes:” Derek was a scholar! I remember him from Atkol Forums!
Don’t confuse this loop; with the other Dakota, “Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a SHOWER” Colt loop, “Roommates (1970)”. You’re very likely to, BJ. Just kidding! : )
#3 – I love this picture also, even with the painted nipple – sheesh! I think it has great camp appeal –butt naked with spurs! I love that Dakota was so fleshy! He really was the whole package – great body, dick, and face!
You can bet, that Jim French must have exclaimed, “Eureka, Bingo, or Bull’s Eye!” : )
Once again, what a great profile, and you can see his taint! : P
I was going to post this same picture, BJ. But you beat me to it! To substitute, I’m going to post this color one below, from the same shoot – great! : 0
Oh my dear, wondrous, Jim French! You truly were a master! BUT WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, WITH THE PAINTED NIPPLES?! At least here, it doesn’t seem as conspicuous. *SIGH* : /
This should especially, be of interest to you, Parisian! : )
Kurt Bieber, was actually a semi-famous, physique model, and actor!
Younger days:
Also younger, GEVI profile with wrong Colt information:
Here’s some CORRECT information, including print credits. He had a bit part, as an extra in the movie “Cruising (1980)”. Scroll all the way down. : )
Let me also post this link, though it’s a bit redundant. Once again, scroll all the way down.
I wonder if you’re aware of this fun blog, Parisian. It’s fabulous! : 0
Not to be too snarky, but maybe BJ, Parisian, and Johnny-My Pet-Llama; could get a group discount for glasses, if they go to the same eye doctor, together! Just kidding! : )
; )
Obsessed, thanks for that full intro to Kurt Bieber, but I’m glad B.J. thought it was Buddy, whom I would likely have never seen (since 1973, that one glimpse) otherwise. Buddy is totally unique, never saw the like of that particular kind of sculptured perfection. Bieber is lovely, but Buddy is something I COULD NOT HAVE DONE WITHOUT in this lifetime. It would have been like STARVING!