The Come-On (1979)
“New in the neighborhood, JACK HACKER is adding to the scenery by working in his garage stripped to the waist. Our new discovery, bodybuilder MICKEY SQUIRES drives by, knows a come-on when he sees it and buys it! While they shoot the breeze JACK zeroes in on the inviting split in MICKEY’S tight jeans. One friendly gesture leads to another and the encounter that follows proves that satisfaction can be found in your own front yard – or back!”

of note – a fave Mickey/Jack pic from Colt Videoview issue #1, published in 1986, and doesn’t look like there was an issue #2
4 replies on “Come On”
Hell Yeah!!! Jockstraps!!!
Mickey can sure shoot a load
Jack Hacker is John Basile, who was very involved with the Gay Games for a long time. He was great in New York Inferno.
Videoview No1 was a great mag. I wish they’d done more. I love the way you cropped that page. I think I would have chosen the one where they are leaning back and kissing, but the one in the car speaks volumes about what’s to “come.”
Like you said, you can never get enough Mickey Squires. Very hot film! Thanks BJ!