"vintage" porn stars Heatstroke Joe Gage

private club

Bob Shane

3 replies on “private club”

But wasn’t Bob Shane just the bathhouse attendant and that’s all? Or am I thinking of another Joe Gage film? If so, a waste of his talents.

I love the scene with Casey Donovan and Clinton Coe in the woods. I just thought that was so hot and I really had a thing for Clinton Coe. And that was his only film. What a waste.

You gotta’ love Joe Gage. He sort of created his own genre in gay porn. There’s nothing like a Joe Gage film.

His later work was also entertaining, but not really the same. In some scenes he’d do this thing where he’d have the performers just staring at each for a looooong time and I’m over here going: is sex going to happen?!? Fast forward!

“just” the bathhouse attendant? well, yes, in terms of speaking parts, but he was in publicity photos, and I can’t imagine he wasn’t used in the orgy finale – but no face.

You’re right, BJ. I shouldn’t have disparaged his contribution to the film. :) He’s so cute when he’s bopping along. I do think he should’ve let those guys in though.

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