yup. a few days out of town, which included a surprise look at this wonderful creature. Back to rambling soon….
Month: July 2021
i like boots

Will Seagers in J Brian’s Flashbacks
Tool Box Bear

Target Studios’ adorable Tony Nero – a bunch of work in 1981, then some pics re-surfaced mid 1980’s and some newer ones, including leather pics around 1986, including HONCHO and Drummer magazine spreads – I think USHER did some of these later pics

note the t-shirt was no doubt from the TOOL BOX BAR on West Street – not to be confused with the other Tool Box bar that opened in around 1990 on 92nd street.

random bears

ANTHONY GALLO – who you remember from such videos as: Bear It All, Big Bear Lake, Chicago Bearfest, From Hair To Eternity, Leather Buddies, Tag Team, Tijuana Toilet Tramps, Nude Housekeeping, and many many more!

I remember being excited when Titan used Gallo for a few videos – but oddly, the GEVI page only shows him in compilations. I think I remember him in some Titan wrestling-themed movie that included Eduardo – both of them with better haircuts than their late 1990’s work. But of course, again, my favorite TITLE of his work has to be Tijuana Toilet Tramps – his best work, no. Joey Stefano with bad long hair, no. But he’s doing it in a public restroom and…. need I say more?
I should dig up more of those STROKE magazine pics

and why did I sell my Bear Magazine issue #23 (1993) with photography from JIM WIGLER, which includes
cover model PAUL BARESSI – interview covering his start in porn, his relationship with John Tavolta, and more importantly – 11 pics including a 2-page centerfold? and yes, I am sure I’ve posted this particular pic before….if I come up with more from that issue, you’ll be the first to know
more Barresi
bears need not apply

do NOT, i say DO NOT laugh at Daniel Holt trying to chop wood. This is a clip from Al Parker’s Rangers, that inexplicably starts with 3 “lumberjacks” chopping wood (Al Parker, Daniel Holt, and Zeke James), they decide to call it a day and go back to some cabin, and somehow lose the bear – ZEKE! – , and gain blond Chris Allen for the 3-way. Nice 3-way, don’t get me wrong – but you introduce a character in porn, you see them have sex in porn, Al! We have to wait 4 more years fro the Zeke scene to appear, out of any context, in A Night Alone With Al Parker – which I sold stupidly and have yet to re-aquire. Just check out the 3-crotch pic, where you see the tease of Zeke’s orange bush getting grabbed by Al – who would cut this scene out!
ZEKE’s only known film appearance, delayed by 4 years before the public could see!

previously: Parker, Holt, and James and Bear + Parker cock, and Rangers