"vintage" porn stars

to the brim

( possibly maybe more)

9 replies on “to the brim”

#6 – So you had it all along, but you didn’t post it! You sneaky little devil! Meanwhile, you repeatedly post a number of pictures, more than once or twice – appalling! The first picture is more than familiar!

What else are you withholding? Do I have to beg? : )

Is it any wonder, why I sometimes find you exasperating?! : /

(Hot picture, by the way; once again, savor the deep rich color! Also, savor their skin texture and hot bodies – tan lines are forever! How I lament that so many porn stars today, have tattoos and piercings!)

: ( : P

; )

um, WHO’s porno-crazed ramblings????

and if i think posting Rod Mitchell getting rimmed several times is a good idea then…. i think you know the rest!

and yes, I’ve had that image since 2017, knowing all this time you’d want to see it, but waited, and waited, and waited…

Ooohhhh-la, I do love le charme and shameless volupté in the 2nd one. Basket is glamour incarnate, as are the tits and the rest of what one can see of such a body. His cum must be utter nectar and come in huge creamy portions.

Yes, agreed. J’adore!

And why are some of the hottest photos also ones that we know nothing about?

#1 – Love it. One of the hottest scenes with Rod Mitchell and Josh Kincaid fucking poolside on a giant blue plastic bubble. Like a waterbed or something? Those old Target/Bullet loops were amazing.

#3 I’d love to know who is under Mr. Nero. Maybe I can find out if I do a little research. I’ve definitely seen him in photos with that leather get-up. So hot!

I’d never have guessed that was Giorgio Canali doing the rimming in #5. I looked it up and I have more pics from the Nova film loop.

And finally #6 – I’m glad you posted it after teasing us. I think Joe Kelly aka Ryan Kilgore may have been at his hottest here. I suppose that’s debatable. I’d forgotten how delicious that Javelin photo set was. Why did Target never release it as a film?

Great selection BJ. Thanks!

Ahhh, Billy Curry’s ass in the shower. Canali was a lucky man.

Though I’d argue it would’ve been even better without him first washing in the shower.

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