Target Studios’ adorable Tony Nero – a bunch of work in 1981, then some pics re-surfaced mid 1980’s and some newer ones, including leather pics around 1986, including HONCHO and Drummer magazine spreads – I think USHER did some of these later pics

note the t-shirt was no doubt from the TOOL BOX BAR on West Street – not to be confused with the other Tool Box bar that opened in around 1990 on 92nd street.

4 replies on “Tool Box Bear”
Extremely hot at any age. Would love to see him today.
“Tool” being the key word here.
I see Mr. Nero all over the internet and each time I’ve invariably forgotten his name, so I think I know him better as “that guy.” I know a lot of gay porn stars that way.
I really like the beard, but he’s just as beautiful clean-shaven or stubbly. Also, that hairy chest and that heavy tool he wields. Damn!
Hey BJ?
Could Tony Nero be the most prolific print model who was never a performer in a film or video?
Is it just me? There seem to be so many mag appearances and photosets. And you’re right of course, at least a couple of them are by Usher (aka Len Tavarres).
I’m sure there’s someone more abundant and productive, but I think he’s up there.
And what about that leather-with-snaps cock ring(cage?) that showed up in a couple of the leather shoots? So hot. I’ll send BJ some pics and maybe he’ll post them if we ask nicely. Unless he wants to post his own? No pressure, BJ! Don’t wanna’ step on your toes.
Thanks for the great post!
so, couldn’t find the cockcage pics (but know what you are referring to), but stumbled on something more interesting, from the HOT TO TROT magazine
Tony Nero? in his only pics with another guy? and who is the guy?