who you may remember from such films as
- Military Pass – COLT – (1981)
- The Long Rangers – COLT – (1981?) with Gunner Hyde
- The Brig (1981)

- TARGET: JAVELIN #4 (1979)
- Mandate (Apr 1981) – couldn’t find him in this issue maybe this is wrong?
- Mandate (Apr 1982) – possibly only 1 pic
- COLT STUDIO PRESENTS 19: Fantasy Men (1993)
- COLT Videoview #1
- WILDWOOD! (? I can’t recall why this is here, perhaps some compilation magazine?)
my guess is he worked for Target Studios first (dates for publication of photos range from 1979-1981) – but no films for them as far as I can tell; then Colt Studios – but not a lot of print /magazine work, until later in the 1980’s – with those 2 films listed above; and somewhere around then also for his one non-Colt film, 2 scenes in The Brig – which I think was filmed in 1981, but released in 1982. The COLT films are easy enough to find online, but I’ll cue up his The Brig scenes sometime this week. If I dig some more, I think I can find photos from Long Rangers. I do dig him best in the Target stills – probably the hair; possibly his partners Rod Mitchell and Jeff Cameron!

- photo / slides sets
- Photo Set (PR-02) Joe Kelly & Jeff Cameron (1979) – Target Studios
- Photo Set (PQ-03) Joe Kelly (1979) – Target Studios
- Slide Set (SV-07) Rod Mitchell & Joe Kelly (1981) – Target Studios
- “Classic” Photo Set (CP 29 C ) Ryan Kilgore (198?) – COLT Studios
- “Classic” Photo Set (CSC 3 ) Ryan Kilgore (198?) – COLT Studios
- Slide Set (S 181 ) Ryan Kilgore (198?) – COLT Studios
- Magazine Slide Set (MS 9 ) from Long Rangers Gunner Hyde & Ryan Kilgore – COLT Studios

7 replies on “Ryan Kilgore (AKA Joe Kelly )”
Ryan/Joe is a very sexy man. He was a standout along with his screen partner (and one of my all time favs) Rod Mitchell. Those were the days!
I agree Ryan Kilgore is a beauty. For some reason, I don’t recall being super impressed with him in his scenes. He seemed to often be eclipsed by a sexier co-star, such as Gunner Hyde. But these photos remind me of how hot he was. I’m not sure that I have his Target photos with Jeff Cameron- I’ll have to put that on my wishlist. Jeff Cameron is another big favorite. His Target/Bullet scene with Erron/Jeremy Brent always blows me away.
BJ, you’ve probably already covered Jeff Cameron lots in previous posts, but if you want to revisit him sometime in the future I will be happy. :)
“sigh. and yet, the actual RYAN KILGORE post gets no comments….(winky face)â€
(As I’ve said before, I’m always pressed for time and sleep! So sorry for the late response! ) : (
Okay, BJ honey. I’m going to let that snide, little comment slide. We all know that you’re filled with mischief and surprise – you snarky little devil! You’re like a Jack-In-The Box: “Pop goes the weasel!†: )
I’m a little bit disillusioned. I thought this fabulous post, was inspired by me. Am I not your muse? : (
I thought this was penance, for you not revealing, Joe Kelly’s face; in your last post on Rod Mitchell – “puts the rod in … Rodâ€. : )
Did you really, already have this in your draft folder, or are you pulling my leg? ; )
You don’t need to answer. What matters is that you FINALLY revealed and are celebrating, this gorgeous stallion, Ryan Kilgore aka Joe Kelly! He’s handsome enough, to be a fashion model! : 0
All these Colt (top five) and Target (bottom four) photos are great – bravo! What great taste! Your introducing, picture choice is so right on! You’re like a magazine editor! : )
Just look at Ryan’s profile in the second picture down – movie star!
Then again, so many great photos of Kilgore are available from Colt. Jim French was so prolific! His work will never age – The Master!
I consider French, the porn version of George Hurrell – great publicity photographer of Hollywood!
What French aka Rip Colt did, wasn’t new. But he took it to a whole new level! Who else would combine both glamour and raunch? MenAtPlay owes everything to him!
French, as well as Lou Thomas, Bill Coletti, Joe Gage, etc. really raised the bar, for macho gay porn!
There are so many porn guys that I wish French, would have photographed. For example, Fred Halsted, Joe Cade, Rex Chandler, Bill Henson, Tom Brock, Mark West, to cite a few.
So many, of the early performers and models in gay porn looked, so plain, generic, or downright UGLY! : /
(Yes, I’ll eventually respond to your Marc Stevens post!)
I feel so indebted to Jim French as well as Lou Thomas aka Jon Target! I only wish I could have personally thanked both of them! I did thank Joe Gage however, on his site!
Thank God, he’s getting on in years! : (
You can never underestimate the power of beauty!
It stills awes me, to see beautiful, masculine men, enjoying all-male action in porn! I’ll never get jaded or take it for granted! Pictures like these, take me back to when I was an overwhelmed teenager!
Now don’t get me wrong! I’m not a “beauty fascistâ€! A model doesn’t have to be conventionally handsome; in order for me to find him desirable – as long as he looks, rugged and masculine.
The face has to be either, interesting, compelling, or appealing! As you can see here, Gunner Hyde is a perfect, contrasting example! They look great together – a dynamic duo!
It’s such a bonus that Ryan Kilgore is rugged, masculine and handsome!
As I’ve said before, I like them rugged, and I like them handsome. And if they’re ruggedly handsome, then I’m over the moon! That’s why this response is so late. I had to float back, and land on earth! : 0
As Johnny – Our Pet- Llama said, you want to see depth and power in a man’s eyes. : )
There’s always a danger that when a man is so attractive, he may also appear to be vain, narcissistic, effete, shallow, superficial, smug, smirky, conceited; too pretty, light-weight, or even plastic! LOL!
Luckily, Kilgore/Kelly has just the right amount of ruggedness, to offset his prettiness!
Just like movie stars like Paul Newman, Mel Gibson, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Marlon Brando, Tyrone Powers, Clive Owen, Guy Madison, Jon Hamm, Gerald Butler, Rory Calhoun, etc. etc.
His head is perfectly shaped, that he can wear his hair, close-cropped, or stylishly layered.
Ryan/Joe especially reminds me, of three entertainment media models. Luckily, he doesn’t share their deficits! Now, I’m only talking of a superficial resemblance – not spitting image!
(I hope these links work!)
All four of them have a distinct, Northern European look – German or Scandinavian. They also have the same, basic shape of the face, coloring, and hair pattern.
I’ll start with Michael Blodgett (what a name!), the androgynous star of “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)†and “The Velvet Vampire (1971)”.
He later became a screenwriter. For a while, he was married to Meredith Baxter.
I generally like and enjoy, Falcon porn star, Ryan Rose (perfect name!); though he is a little too pretty, for my taste.
He scored points in my book, when I found out he was in the Marines. As they say, sex is in the mind! ; )
My last example is the most famous. I’m glad Ryan Kilgore/Joe Kelly, had the sense enough; not to dress and style his hair, like the early, David Hasslehoff!
Sorry to hassle “The Hoffâ€, but please, “Oh, Mary!†: /
I’m sure Ryan Kilgore has his flaws, but please don’t hold “The Brig (1981)†against him!
#4 – Yes, he does have a great ass! I do wish however, that this picture would also feature his face.
I generally prefer when ass shots, have the model look over his shoulder, or posed in a side view – more personality! It’s very important to me, that the model can be immediately identified – no ambiguity!
I know you appreciate his low-hanging balls! : )
#6 – I’d rather you used the version of this Target photo, which I provided you!
I’m really not a fan, of playing or greeting card, novelty photos – too gimmicky! Colt also makes them. I don’t like the way the borders, make this image look lopsided. : (
It’s still a beautiful picture, though. As I’ve said before – rapture! I love how Rod pulls Joe’s hand on his heart, while his other hand behind, is grabbing Joe’s dick – affection AND sexual heat!
#7 – What more can I say, about this scorching, yet romantic, image?! Ah, the heat isn’t just generated, by the desert setting – perfect! Their footwear seems very practical. I hope they also used sunscreen. What great, rich color – sensual! : P
#8 – I’m glad you included this fucking shot. The link broke on the version I provided you! : (
As I’ve said before, it’s rather amusing, how much Joe has to squat, in order to accommodate, little Rod’s, BIG rod! : P
#9 – Now, let me especially thank you for this raunchy, Target image! It’s the second image you provided, of Joe Kelly with Jeff Cameron! I’ve never seen it before – awesome! If you have more, by all means! If only it could have been made as a porn loop!
With this picture, I think that makes it four Target images, which I’ve seen with Joe and Jeff!
You, me, and The Llama, all agree that Cameron was a sizzling, porn daddy!
Why did Joe Kelly/Ryan Kilgore, only work with Target, in print? He should have filmed with Target, and skip filming “The Brigâ€!
He had great chemistry with Rod Mitchell and Jeff Cameron! He didn’t have any chemistry with his short partner in “The Brigâ€! Is his name Mike Jones or David Ross? I’m confused. : /
Speaking about rimming, there’s another Target picture of Joe Kelly and Rod Mitchell, which I’ve seen on Tumblr – very hot! I wish I could find it! If I ever do, I’ll try to post it! : P
It shows Joe Kelly standing, as Rod Mitchell is squatting behind him, as he’s eating Joe’s ass! As you can tell, aside from being gorgeous, Kilgore/Kelly was also uninhibited and sensual! *SWOON* : )
Thanks for also providing Ryan Kilgore’s inside information! You’ve done your homework! Another gold star and a cookie for you, BJ honey! : )
Posts like these, is why I can never be mad at you! Though you can be, exasperating! : )
; )
damn – I started to reply to this, and lost all that I wrote – got busy trying to find Kelly getting rimmed…
Just like movie stars like Paul Newman, Mel Gibson, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, Marlon Brando, Tyrone Powers, Clive Owen, Guy Madison, Jon Hamm, Gerald Butler, Rory Calhoun, etc. etc.
I’d imagine you don’t care for some of my favourites like Alain Delon and Louis Jourdan as “too pretty” even though they’re both very masculine even if you usually see them in suits. I do like some of the super-rugged types like Robert Mitchum though, because he sure knew how to strut. One of the more frequently loved urbane types, Cary Grant, on the other hand, has never interested me. Charles Boyer was refined and tough at the same time, the only lead that was on the same level as Garbo IMO.
oh my! and only part 1! – the links – ahhhhh, ok, i get it – you like the Northern Europeans? but that guys’ face, nope, not for me!
me, more Mediterranean types, I suppose, but always, ALWAYS acceptions!