music in gay porno pornoclips

The Boys Of Venice

directed by: William Higgins (1979)

Starring: Eric Ryan, Kip Noll, Emanuelle Bravos, Clay Russell, Butch McAllister, Derrick Stanton, Johnny Stone, Jimmy Young, Scott Taylor, and Darla Lee (non-sex role). Eric Ryan is our tour guide to Venice Beach

OK – here we go – let’s see if we can get the full music soundtrack – zephyr has gotten us started with an outline, and more than 1/2 of the tunes I.D.’d, and I’ve added some links (alert me if any don’t work, please)

  • 00:00 – 04:50 Whiter Shade Of Pale – (Munich Machine)
  • 05:51 – 16:55 Keep On Rolling – vocal/inst. (Jean Matthews)
  • 19:30 – 25:00 You Should Do It – (Peter Brown – Backing vocals by Betty Wright)
  • 26:35 – 32:32 Lovemaker – (Wham! post- George Michael)
  • 33:33 – 34:10 Tapedeck in His Tractor – Ronee Blakley (from “Nashville”, 1975)
  • 34:58 – 40:22 I Can’t Wait Any Longer – (Bill Anderson)
  • 41:24 – 44:10 Action ’78 – (Erotic Drum Band)

  • 44:11 – 49:20 unknown #2
  • 49:22 – 51:11 unknown #3
  • 51:12 – 59:19 unknown #4
  • 59:19 -59:40 Action ’78 – (Erotic Drum Band)
  • 1:02:39 – 1:10:37 Don’t Let Go (Tony Orlando) (minus Dawn?)
  • 1:10:50 – 1:12:20 Whiter Shade Of Pale – (Munich Machine)(Munich Machine)

Previously on BJland

12 replies on “The Boys Of Venice”

Thanks, BJ!! And thanks to your contributor justme9197, who is either more of an expert at instrumental disco music than I will ever be, and/or uses shazam since I was certain these were all existing songs. So we got all the music! You had done many posts about various scenes from this film and the music in them over the years, nice to feel as though we solved this one together. And I hadn’t thought of the film Nashville in years, either didn’t know or had forgotten that Ronee Blakley performed that song about the tapedeck in the tractor in the film (and got an Oscar nomination for that role as well).

One note about Wham vs. Wham! — they were different groups entirely. The first one, without the exclamation point, was a short-lived disco group in the late 70s:

… and the second one with the punctuation was George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley *do the jitterbug (snap) (snap)* etc. Just to clarify that.

I do appreciate you devoting this post to solving the long-standing mystery of these tunes, feel free to resume your tour of random pics from 1975 already in progress ;)

I did have some issue with the video clip. At first it was working just as it always does. I was jumping around from scene to scene and I watched quite a bit of it. Then later on the same device (laptop) it started being a bit twitchy. If I jumped ahead, it would freeze. Then when I pressed PLAY, it would start over from the beginning and then stop at 1:09. After that, I couldn’t get it to play reliably. I’ll try again later.

Frankly, it’s not an issue for me. It’s the first time I’ve ever had any trouble with one of your clips. Usually, they’re great! I saw enough of this one and I’ve seen the whole video before anyway. No worries here.

For the sake of nostalgia, my favorite scene is Scott Taylor’s solo suck, although his hair is crazy and the constant shutter clicking sound can get to you. He was a talented solo performer.

I don’t remember finding the roller skating sex as impressive as it might have been. Your photo makes it look hotter than I remember. I didn’t see it in your clip yet. Eric Ryan is always a pleasure though.

Plenty of other yummy men in the film, such as Clay Russell and Butch McAlister. I love the b-roll footage from Venice Beach in between each scene. Also enjoyed the coming attractions at the end. The clip may have been a little glitchy, but I enjoyed what I saw.

Thanks BJ!

There is something wonky about that clip BJ, like others have reported the first minute and change plays fine, but right when it gets up to the moment in the credits with the long-haired guy with no shirt and jeans lying back in the grass is where it stops. Actually that’s what’s so weird about it, the counter on my video player keeps going and so does the audio, but the picture remains stuck on that frame, then soon after the whole film stops and I get an error message. If within the first minute I skip ahead to about the halfway point it plays the last half of the film fine, including the Kip/Emanuelle scene. Just reporting what happened for me when I tried to watch it here, someone else linked to the film on a tube site and I found it on a different one that seem to work.

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