hmmmm, something ain’t right here. The version below, I sold a copy back in 2005, and I have it listed with just cover model Jordon Hunter, and Jimmy Pike; 1978, 36 pages. The one above, doesn’t make sense with Al Parker and Mike on the cover. And then gay erotic archives only notes “Toby” as the model – no other info – that’s completely wrong!
This is what I have in my 2005 sale of this 1978 magazine:
- cover model JORDON HUNTER – while apparently never appearing in any films, RIP COLT chose him to grace the cover of his new photo-magazine, SPURS (and seeing him in nothing but boots, like below, tells you why!!!).
- 36 pages; 10 in full color (including front and back covers) – the rest in BLACK & WHITE – all oh high quality paper that COLT is known and respected for; measuring approx 7-1/2 X 9-1/2, it’s size is larger than the earlier, and extremely successful COLT series GALLERY, from the earlier part of the 70’s
- JIMMY PIKE (who appeared, solo, in such films as: Skin Torpedoes, Pike’s Peek, Advocate Men Live!’s Poetry In Motion, and others) graces the second half of the magazine; powerful legs showing what thick boot socks were meant for!
Somewhere on line I found this Mike/Al cover version, and it was dated 1977 – same year as COLT MEN 3…. hmmmm. Both Colt Men 3 and this top version of Spurs feature Al & Mike in pictures from the film Timbervolves. Wonder what the story is. Perhaps a mock-up for the new series? Oh, and inside COLT MEN 3 is an ad to send away for the COLT FOLIO (a glossy brochure) featuring a pic of Al and Mike, and 2 pics of Jordan Hunter!

and the ad from COLT MEN 3, below