hmmmm, something ain’t right here. The version below, I sold a copy back in 2005, and I have it listed with just cover model Jordon Hunter, and Jimmy Pike; 1978, 36 pages. The one above, doesn’t make sense with Al Parker and Mike on the cover. And then gay erotic archives only notes “Toby” as the model – no other info – that’s completely wrong!
This is what I have in my 2005 sale of this 1978 magazine:
- cover model JORDON HUNTER – while apparently never appearing in any films, RIP COLT chose him to grace the cover of his new photo-magazine, SPURS (and seeing him in nothing but boots, like below, tells you why!!!).
- 36 pages; 10 in full color (including front and back covers) – the rest in BLACK & WHITE – all oh high quality paper that COLT is known and respected for; measuring approx 7-1/2 X 9-1/2, it’s size is larger than the earlier, and extremely successful COLT series GALLERY, from the earlier part of the 70’s
- JIMMY PIKE (who appeared, solo, in such films as: Skin Torpedoes, Pike’s Peek, Advocate Men Live!’s Poetry In Motion, and others) graces the second half of the magazine; powerful legs showing what thick boot socks were meant for!
Somewhere on line I found this Mike/Al cover version, and it was dated 1977 – same year as COLT MEN 3…. hmmmm. Both Colt Men 3 and this top version of Spurs feature Al & Mike in pictures from the film Timbervolves. Wonder what the story is. Perhaps a mock-up for the new series? Oh, and inside COLT MEN 3 is an ad to send away for the COLT FOLIO (a glossy brochure) featuring a pic of Al and Mike, and 2 pics of Jordan Hunter!

and the ad from COLT MEN 3, below

3 replies on “SPURS – premiere issue?”
smutjunkies a.k.a. the print wing of gay erotic archives shows the 2nd cover, and for models it lists Jordan Hunter, Jimmy Poke and “Toby (may not be in this edition)”
Hard to say why the covers are different, maybe one was made to be sold in bookstores and the other through mail order? The other difference I notice is the price on the two covers above, the one with Al/Mike was six bucks while the second one was eight.
This is all a fascinating mystery and I wish I had something important to contribute. Even though I don’t, I’m commenting anyway.
I admit I’ve never seen the premiere issue of Spurs. That’s one I never got my hands on. Now I’m dying to see it. Jordan Hunter was delicious!
My scans of Colt Men No3 feature Mike Davis on the cover and includes the amazing Timberwolves photo series as you said. One thing I know about Colt is that they would sometimes change the cover of a mag in 2nd and 3rd printings, but usually just small changes like the background color.
As much as I love Smutjunkies/GEA, they do sometimes have incomplete or incorrect information. I know Woody at GEVI would admit to many small mistakes as well, but if you let him know he fixes them ASAP.
Also, since you mentioned the Colt Folio I have to share my fond memories of the day I got mine. It was indeed glossy! And it was a huge packet full of brochures that kept me busy in one way or another for a long time. The Colt men were like nothing I’d ever seen before. It was like waking up to something I’d always imagined must exist somewhere but had never found until then. I so miss getting gay porn mailings!
Although I spent so much money on those damn photosets and where are they now?
Anyhow, great post! Colt never gets old.
I can confirm the Al Parker/Mike Davis cover is real and not a mock. Super rare, though. Front and back below