“like a beautifully wrapped package on Christmas morning”
I was going to post the entire film, but there’s something about this clip – warning, it’s got a lady in it – and it’s her monologue that I just love – it’s just so……70’s? I did post it 10+ years ago, but it’s worth another look, I think
(apologies for the quality, I really should re-record this)

5 replies on “and there it was – huge, erect, and pointing north – with a sweat sock on it”
At first I was thinking that this is exactly the kind of b-roll footage that I used to fast forward right through, (I used to be so outraged that a woman would show up in my porno), but there is something about it. Even if just from a sociological perspective. And it’s entertaining in an anecdotal way. I feel irrationally sorry for the woman. But wait, I’m too distracted from what’s really important! The men fucking! Sorry, BJ. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
BTW, you don’t happen to have his Aug 1981 Playgirl spread? Just curious.
i am fairly certain i do NOT. hmmmmmmmm
I remember this from the Adonis, and remember this rather vulgar woman too. Not sure why, but recognized her even before the clip, as she is fairly common-looking. (only problem with the quality for me is you can’t really turn down the very loud volume.) I think the monologue is cool too, but the film was not one of the ones I treasured from the Adonis days so much–mainly remember for the title.
I think I remember another scene with her lying in bed with Billy–no sex, of course, but thoroughly inane.