somehow I made it! 20 rambling years! click the link above to see those first few posts, broken links, missing images and all… or just sample a few snippets below (or both, I highly recommend both)
ah, got my morning whack off out of the way, thanks to a vid called RAMROD – Cole Tucker does his standard (but oh-so-sexy) whack-off-with-guy-sitting-on-his-face thing as the finale….
and DAMN! if I didn’t just step in my own cum while trying to refill my coffee…gotta go…

sometimes standing in line at the post office is a drag, but sometimes, well, you just gotta enjoy the chance to take a close look at another person…

oooooooh! Giorgio Canali, and I think the Cade Cousins ….I remembert that Giorgio does it with Jim Bentley, and despite that, its still a great flick

hanging around the park yesterday with you-know-what between my legs

horny again
yeah, i know, what else is new? maybe its the spring air, or maybe its this DEVO E-Z Listening Disc I borrowed; or perhaps one of several porn flics i’ve skimmed thru in the past 24 hours. Like El Paso (one of my favorites) I was watching to get 2 of the actors names – damn, i forgot to get the names!!

the str8 folks upstairs seem to need to have VERY NOISY morning sex, so I decided to work on my PORNO WISH LIST – after all, christmas is only 278 days away! – so, creating my own background noises….Bullet Videopac 6…Bruno slurping away at Will Seagers……

one of those AOL hook-ups with a guy with one of those AOL names like biggusdickus… but he turned out to be a real sweet man…. not for dating, of course, but a great afternoon romp… i mean, who wants to date someone who meets strange men online to have sex……

“Through Being Cool” probably annoying the neighbors (or maybe thats the bassline bangin’ on the walls….). today’s porno note: how do I get a copy of Daddy Dearest, 1984 film starring Daniel Holt, Dean Johnson, and of course, one of my PORN HEROES Richard Locke (his last film). just got an email thanking me for the anonomous pic I sent to Dean Johnson – a still I found in an old porn mag of Mr Locke fucking him! well, as long as no one sees me dancing to this song , i guess i;m still cool!
18 replies on “20 years of porno-crazed rambling”
Congratulations! And it’s a huge, wonderful collection you’ve made. I loved the post too, yes, definitely springfuck time, and it immediately got me into an exuberant mood, just after reading somebody determinedly morose. It didn’t hurt getting a Giorgio photo I hadn’t seen, and in a jock strap–I wear nothing else myself, and always like the ones with the 3-inch bands.
Read the posts in the original–it already looked pretty state-of-the-art. Don’t get me started on USPS, where I regularly have to break heads–asshole subs have been “afraid to deliver important mail”, nevermind the address is on the box and they DO deliver the junk mail, so I got a credit card (temporarily) closed, had a personal check returned to sender, and the $600 stimulus returned (I know from an IRS transcript that said it! The idiot wrote “Vacant” on all 3! I wish I could blame the IRS for this, but it was USPS’s fault). They then direct-deposited that and the $1400 too–I need MONEY for JOCKSTRAPS! Don’t they understand anything?
Spring is, of course, my favourite time of year, being a confirmed old Eternal Adolescent and likely to remain so, so this post was positively infectious–into the flowering trees by now. I know you had wonderful years in New York, and think it’s great you can live in Provincetown. And your scholarship has gotten so refined, I literally have to work hard on some of it to figure it out, and I’m lazy as holy hell!
thank you! love my long-time readers!
Applause, applause! That’s quite an accomplishment. Inspirational really. I’m grateful, as I continue to enjoy reading you!
Thanks! And welcome to the club!
(not sure if you’re still as into Björk as you’ve been at various stages of this blog’s existence but this fantastic song landed on my radar when I was in college, and it’s appropriate for your milestone this month!)
As much gay porn information as you’ve provided to your readers over the years, I think it’s some of the non-porn things I’ve seen you write about that made your blog stand out as far as I’m concerned. Björk and some of your whale watching pics are two examples, probably because they weren’t one-offs and I could tell they were a little piece of the real you that you were sharing with the world via this medium. Also the transition from you being single and on the prowl, or at least putting yourself out there in NYC, as compared to settling into married life with a husbear up the coast.
It’s been so long that I can’t remember exactly what first led me to your blog, though it was definitely version 1.0 which I was reminded of by your April 2001 link above. If I had to guess I’d say it was something having to do with Lee Ryder, long a porn crush of mine from long before I ever got my own computer to do research on my own, and one who has stayed with me all these years. Here you were, providing info, commentary, pics and even some clips (from when those were a lot harder to upload and share online) about the truly important things in life, gay porn of the past! The flicks and magazines that so many of us who are lucky enough to still be around remember seeing, and not having as easy a way to find out about them as we have today. You’re a trailblazer in that regard my man!!
You also put up with me (and a few other regulars whose names I’ve seen since you allowed comments on this iteration of your blog) veering off on tangents, making occasional requests, and (in my case anyway, OK and Obsessed too lol) leaving short story-length comments below your posts, so I’ll try to wrap this up soon. One of my favorite memories of your blog was when you mentioned a preview from a 90s porn film with Ryan Idol hawking his 1-900 number (whaddayou lookin’ at?), you actually had the clip plus a few related ones and I had this complete journey back to when I had seen that before. A little bit later than your area of expertise but by posting that you absolutely made my day, week, month likely, it was like a long lost piece of a puzzle finally fit together, which if you look at it that way is a good summary of your adventures in gay porno-crazed ramblings.
You’ve done a huge service to horny gay guys of many generations who appreciate the era of movies shot on film, music ranging from original compositions to stolen Donna Summer and Led Zeppelin (and everything in between), hairy chests, hairy legs, hairy butts, dicks and balls of every size and shape, some cut, some with foreskin, some with shaved pubes and some without … on behalf of myself anyway, thank you for all the energy you’ve put into this for so long now.
Yes, thank you for all your work on this blog. Something I check almost daily. A lot of work and dedication on your part. I love being able to watch the evolution in gay porn. I must say, the visual quality is much better, I think these days and the willingness to explore some kinkier aspects and the overall willingness to be “dirtier” today I appreciate. That said, todays performers are too often all of the same time. Talk about “clones”, lol. Tastes change, but the guys of the ’70’s and early ’80’s seem to be much more natural and everyday guys.
Thanks again for all the beautiful images of male sexuality
typo, meant type not time
I love being able to watch the evolution in gay porn. I must say, the visual quality is much better, I think these days and the willingness to explore some kinkier aspects and the overall willingness to be “dirtier†today I appreciate.
Visual quality is definitely thousands of times better than even in the 90s. Plus models in the big studios are tested regularly and there is now PrEP so that there can be barebacking without guilty (I’m sure there are exceptions where it doesn’t work.)
A lot of them do look too much alike, and it must be much more competitive than ever before, but there occasionally real standouts–Max Arion and Bo Sinn (but way too many tattoos) are very hot. Mainly they are literally bionic, all very athletic and in incredible shape. As for the dirtier things, I am attracted to only a few of these things (pissplay), definitely am not a fan of fisting. In the more normal sex, I dislike their habit of spitting all the time, which I find just comes across as nasty and also superfluous.
And it begins to seem pretty repetitive pretty quickly. I’ve often taken the trial offer and watched several scenes and then cancelled it before re-billing because it doesn’t change much, even though some of them are real beauties.
and thanks to you – love hearing from all the folks who pop in over the years!
aww, thanks – and of course I love my long-time readers who’ve seen this space evolve! (and when I first saw this comment the other day, I tried to find the old Ryan Idol lclip – its on my “to do” list!
That Ryan Idol clip (and the others), I have a copy and I knew I must have gotten it from you, found it here:
“and if you’re good, if you’re REALLY good maybe daddy will let you suck his pretty cock”
Hahaha love when I can’t find stuff and someone finds it right here! File name “commercials” is my 3xcuse
Congratulations! I’m always finding new ‘vintage’ porn, music and other cool things from your blog, how can I donate to make sure this continues?
thank you! actually, the cost is really just webhosting, which is quite inexpensive – participating/commenting is always great, of course – and just never throw away any porn without checking if I’d want it!!
Happy Anniversary! I think I found you through Joe Gage’s blog several years ago, and I love your site. I’ve discovered (and re-discovered) many aspects of porn that have kept me entertained and aroused… thanks and here’s to many more!
Thanks, man! Ahhhh, Mr Gage… I am familiar with some of his work!
The world is a better place for it! Thank you for keeping the flame burning!
and when will YOU be back online – feel free to post here, or email me, please!