despite all these magazines containing pics from the 1984 Al Parker directed film Rangers , I have few good pics, and not many postings, either (see below). I’ll have to scrounge up at least a clip, right? Nick Rogers, obviously; but also Chris West – blond mustached partner of Nick who’s only known filmwork is this one – his scene with Nick watching the 2 campers, and at the end with fuzzy Brad Peters – YUMMMM! Jesse Koehler doesn’t do much for me, but Greg Girard, on the other hand… and of course the 3-way with Al, Daniel Holt and Chris Allen…..
previously on BJland:
8 replies on “Rangers”
Is the boy getting sucked off on the right of the top and bottom covers Greg Girard? You were so enthusiastic about a number of them I wasn’t sure even after looking all of them up (none of them are familiar with me, except to some degree Daniel Holt, and only from your posts.) He’s so naturally elegant–his hair, mustache, necklace, beautiful mouth, and the rest.
YES! Mr. Girard, who you may remember from such films as Head Trips – my favorite performance by him, paired with Lee Ryder (elder – love that! as he plays Dad in Head Trips). He’s also in Something Wild, and excellent film that has been ghastily cut to shred by Midnight Men, and otehrs who’ve re-issued it… can’t recall Girard specifically in it, probably in some group scene…
I agree Greg Girard was a beauty, but I really had a thing for Chris West. He seemed like an excellent pairing with Nick Rodgers. I had no idea they were an item IRL. On a sad note, Chris West apparently committed suicide right after “Rangers” was filmed. Here’s a quote from Al Parker from an interview in Manshots, October 1990:
“We had Nick Rodgers and a very hot blond guy named Chris West. He made the film for us, and I thought he was really hot. He didn’t have the biggest dick in the world, but he was truly a nice guy, and I could see him becoming a very big star. But right after the movie, he committed suicide.”
That’s not the full quote. I hesitate to even mention it. Don’t want to bring everyone down, but it’s such a shame. I’m glad we can remember him this way.
Wow, does anyone know exactly how many magazines were made from photo excerpts of this film? In addition to the 4 you’ve highlighted here, I also have “Ready Rangers” which featured pics from both of Chris West’s scenes. Very hot! Excellent choice, BJ!
ah yes! this is all I got from that one that I just nabbed from eBay
Oh yeah, that crazy scene with Al Parker, Daniel Holt and Chris Allen! For those that didn’t see it, there’s a picture here:
The bottom photo on the right side of the webpage.
The things Al Parker could do with his dick and a strip of leather! Wild.
or check out the link provided above…. teehee! – or here again – roughin’ it
Yes, thank you!! I guess I didn’t follow those links. Wild stuff! And the “missing scene” with Zeke James with Parker & Holt. I am intrigued by that! Chris Allen was a blond beauty and very talented, but that Zeke James is my kind of man. Furry!
“Jesse Koehler doesn’t do much for me”
I came here tonight to search for his name, this was one of the few posts where you mention him. That’s his dick being held by Greg Girard in the top and bottom magazine covers, from the threeway scene with Nick Rodgers. I just reviewed Boys Town: Going West Hollywood recently, Jesse is part of a threeway in that one too. And his slo-mo cumshots are a sight to behold, everytime you think he’s done another juicy spurt comes flying out. I know he was also in Getting It, Outpost and one called Pleasure Peak that I want to see, not sure if I remember that one.
I think Jesse was pretty hot and was wondering if you’d done a post about him, until I landed here and read your ‘meh’ reaction to him that you mentioned above. I know there’s at least one photo spread linked under his name at retro studs, though I don’t go to any blogger sites anymore since they added the whole ‘sign in’ requirement to see their content.
Jesse was a big spurter that’s for sure, and just from looking at him (and rewatching his scene in Rangers) it’s clear his nipples were very sensitive, he pinches them a lot and they look like eraser nubs. I knew a guy who used to have some of those snakebite, suction cup things that made nips stand out all pert and perky, I could never take too much attention there but it’s pretty hot to watch sometimes.