busy day, JohnnyLlama why do you have me researching Joe Porcelli – just teasing – this is one of those pics that has two elements i don’t usually care for – headband (ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!) and peek-a-boo cock (UGGGGHHHH!!) – but it’s JOE!
busy day, JohnnyLlama why do you have me researching Joe Porcelli – just teasing – this is one of those pics that has two elements i don’t usually care for – headband (ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!) and peek-a-boo cock (UGGGGHHHH!!) – but it’s JOE!
don’t know the origin of this pic – appeared in numerous magazines, like Mandate April & June of 1980, HONCHO August 1980; and the best of which of course was COLT MEN 12 with Noel Kemp – when he modeled for MAN’S IMAGE, he went by the name PAUL – anyhoo – more Joe Porcelli
what I love about this series from Target Studios, is the bold indifference to trying to make a real fake western scenario – instead of both guys in Cowboy hats, perhaps boots, a kerchief, maybe a saddle in the background; here, one is vaguely a cowboy, the other a motorcycle guy – just gay outfits, in some seedy locale, getting naked.
RICK MARTINO on retrostuds
RICK MARTINO at smutjunkies
or call me Kevin
Director: Robert Walters (?) (1979) (NF142) starring Ty Arthur and Bill Lake
Ty Arthur in a wet suit almost makes the music bearable! But seriously, turn the volume off – there’s not even any dubbed in sex noises. The special effects, however, are awesome! Those underwater shots! And Bill Lake’s swimsuit (is that a swimsuit?)!
more from BJland on Beached!
from a 1977 magazine I sold back in 2004 – DECKHANDS – from the 1977 film Challenger, pt 3, all part of the Challenger series that included Al Parker in another scene (like the magazine). I have a clip of this film, but it’s called Crocked Crotch Watcher and the soundtrack is just, well, clearly not the original, if the original even had sound; sounds like some 60’s tunes, possibly earlier. For another post….