"vintage" porn stars photographers

June 1983 Mandate

Yup, I’ve shown photos of our beloved Bruno many times before, in fact, even from this magazine – like when I sold it in 2017 (NOOOOOOO!); a lovely teaser pic – would you say “no” to Bruno? ; and part of my “beard series” here: beard039… all from photographer Len Tavares. The top one is my fave, but the bottom one might be if it wasn’t spread over 2 pages, which I’m not posting a complete version … but FACE, HAIRY BODY, COCK, FEET, CALF – sigh!

Speaking of the photographer, Len Tavares, I don’t give photo credits enough, but I am trying to remedy that when I can – often the pictures from the sources I use don’t give credit – but I’ve seen his name around Mandates, Honchos, perhaps Drummers, and wondered… anywhere else? Leonard “Len” Tavares was Katherine Hepburn’s private photographer!

2 replies on “June 1983 Mandate”

Last photo is especially luscious, tropical, and I’m not one of the ones here who is that much into hair except on the legs and…I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more extravagant and luxuriant Pubic Hair Organ…

Sad to hear about Travers, but I would think the transition from Kate Hepburn to Bruno would have been extremely salutary after Miss Hepburn’s well-known bitchery, dykedom and bad skin without makeup (the last two are explicit in Scotty Bowers’s book Full Service about fucking some of the stars and pimping the others from a H’wood gas station–his accounts of George Cukor, a gifted cocksucker Bowers kept supplied, complaining of Kate are hilarious, the first is universally known…). She could be a great actress, sure, as in Long Days’ Journey Into Night and Morning Glory (I hated her and everybody else in On Golden Pond), but knew she’d met her match with Dame Edith Evans in The Madwoman of Chaillot–she said so before they started filming, and it was SO TRUE–Evans totally intimidated her without even trying, Kate just stared at her in total wonderment. Oh well, we all fall prey to “gay divaship”, and Miss Hepburn surely had her hundreds of thousands of gay worshippers. I admire her talent more than find her glamorous, though. She was beautiful in the early 30s, but lost her beauty rather quickly, I think.

That photo of Bruno is easily the most beautiful I’ve seen.

yup, very impressed with the quality of the photos; kinda unusual for an 80’s magazine to bother – they (we!) lucked out with Tavares

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