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blinded by the light


10 replies on “blinded by the light”

Another revelation. I had seen Speer in leather before, but with someone this magnificent, I’m going to automatically prefer the full nude–especially the top photo: He is nothing if not perfect–the gaze, the hair, the crotch, beautifully muscled but not too much. I think I’d seen some of his leather photos for years, and paid little attention to them since I didn’t know there were these incredible nudes.

Was fascinated to read he’d been assistant to Rip Colt and continues (or at least as of the last update on smutjunkies page) as Talent Advisor.

i have a recent photo somewhere of him with someone named Mitch Branson? some sort of gay street fair tabling, perhaps for COLT

im a usual visitor :-)
Im trying to contact you , to send some files via we tra**sfer, I have some scans in my HD. some could be of your interest.

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