
Superb Owl

what’s all this fuss about superb…

4 replies on “Superb Owl”

Is this the same ‘Tico Patterson’ you often show? I wasn’t familiar with him before, but this one doesn’t look like the usual one, now that I look in GEVI. It may be just the delicious pose, but the body seems thicker and the hair straight and more dark-blond–in short, if it’s the same, I find him infinitely hotter here and had never paid too much attention before (I looked at your archives–nice, but not my type.) Pop-up is ‘Paterson’ too, but there weren’t any ‘Tico Paterson’s’ at GEVI.

Misspelled Patterson. But yes, same Tico; no doubt this is an AMG photo – very stylized. Probably fake background, but out of focus for effect.

Well, even so, the whole package is fantastic, but that asshole is CHARISMATIC! I can’t keep my eyes off it, and want to make love to it with all available organs–Prick, nose, tongue, lips and fingers.

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