From what I can tell, Dan only modeled for Target Studios, appearing in two publications – Javelin #1 , and Ramrod #3 – as well as two photosets, one solo, and one with “Jerry”. All this is from 1975. In terms of filmwork – while I was gonna “tease” GEVI for listing Dan as “Dan Donovan (80s)” (the “80’s” designation seems to happen when these films are transfered to videotape, usually in the 80’s) but I have to give him credit for noting that the 2 films listed are really one film split into two when it came out on tape – Couplet with Glen Dime (contained on Bullet Vidopac 4), and Danny Boy (contained in Bullet Videopac 3) – and I imagine these well made have been 2 solos where 1 model is imagining the other? Further investigation needed!
Intern! Cue up the videotapes!

Dan Donovan on GEVI – Gay Erotic Video Index – I think the 4 listings are various video version of the one, same film.

5 replies on “Dan Donovan”
#5 & #6 YES!
Okay, BJ honey. You know you can always count on me, to go off on a tangent. Let the non seguiturs begin!
No offense to you baby, but this Dan guy, doesn’t do anything for me. It’s not that he’s isn’t attractive, but I just think, meh. He’s a little too generic, for my taste. I know you can’t resist a mustache. : )
When I first clicked on your post, I thought for a second, that it was John Coletti. I guess you can make the argument, that Coletti also had a generic look. But with him, I see a sensuality and personality, which I don’t with Donovan. Sorry. : (
Anyway, let me thank you so much for the last two pictures, with the blond guy! HE, I find compelling!
I used to own a Target magazine with the last picture. Was it the Best of Javelin or something?
I never knew what his name was. Is it really just Jerry? What a hot body! And that TAN-LINE!
You know my saying, TAN-LINE ARE FOREVER! Fuck tattoos!
I wish I could see his full face. In profile, he looks great!
I ask how Dan Donovan can be so aloof, with golden Jerry, at his side?! If you won’t take him, I will! : )
It’s frustrating that Lou Thomas aka Jon Target, would often feature hot, compelling guys, without identifying them! He does this especially, in package compilation magazines like Javelin, Ramrod, and Lancer.
Nice variety and quantity of men, but its still frustrating! : (
Who are these guys? Please identify them! : /
Anyway, you don’t suppose that Jerry, is this guy on the cover of Target’s Ramrod #4: Leathermania? I’m talking about the blond guy reflected in the sun glasses. What do you think?
Isn’t this a great magazine cover? I’ve seen this same design idea, in movie posters and book covers, about serial killers and bombers/terrorists. (Hail Mary – Let this link work!)
Okay BJ, you can close your slack mouth, and stop rolling you eyes! You know this won’t be the last time that I get off the topic! (Argh, there he goes again!) Let me apologize in advance – sorry! : )
Thanks for your wonderful work and patience!
; )
first- for you -that was very on topic! You actually discussed the model profiled! congratulations! Personally, I was most drawn to the “socks” photo, but decided it wasn’t the best lead-in, since I am not fond of the hair in that photo (the profile pics soften the look). And I know I have posted this pair before, but never saw them elsewhere, until recently and saw that Dan had more material available.
This is one resource I use – TARGET STUDIOS at Gay Erotic Archives – while not exhaustive, it certainly has the most “TARGET” info all on one page.
RAMROD 4 – yes, wouldn’t it be nice in Lou had noted who was in his magazines – and this one! that alone will be a project, and the link above is no help. But let’s see if you are on to something with “Jerry”
as you probably know, a href=”https://retrostuds.blogspot.com/search/label/RAMROD%20NO.%204″ target=”_window” title=”RAMROD 4 on RETROSTUDS” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>RETROSTUDS has most, if not all, of Ramrod 4 on his page
I think this is the publication that has that one or two with Halsted, right?
Thanks BJ! Yes, it’s the one with Fred Halsted in shades. I wish we could have seen his eyes. It’s definitely Halsted, because you can see his appendectomy scar. I wonder if he traveled East, just to be in this photo-shoot.
Yes, I always use Gay Erotic Archives, but as you know, a lot of their info. isn’t complete. They’re still a great website! : /
I’m still not sure about “Jerry”. Both blonds have the same hair and dark bush, but I just don’t know if their noses match. : 0
I resigned myself, that I’ll always be frustrated! : (
Oh well, it’s still fun asking questions! Thanks again! : ) ; )
Thank you for this discovery. He’s new to me even though I used to have all the Bullet videopacs years ago. I must have seen him back then and don’t remember, so everything is new again! I was very excited to come across (love that expression) a Target model I didn’t recognize, and so great to see that there was a name attached! I am also “obsessed” with the mysterious Target models and trying to ID and catalog them. I was looking through Ramrod 4 and there are so many that I can name, but the ones I can’t name and who appear so fleetingly are absolutely tantalizing. Like the sultry “Jerry.” Thank you for the photos and I enjoyed reading the comments as well. Good to know that I am not the only one who cares about these things. Johnny
note to self – dig up the other model with DAN in Ramrod #3