oh gosh. Many of you know I don’t usually pay much attention to personal lives of our porn stars, or the WEHT (What Ever Happened To) questions… but, a reader was kind enough to let me know that Ledermeister – Paul Gerrior, passed away last week. Sad, he had just taken ill, and as you can see at the link, a GoFundMe had just been established to help (and I believe is still active). Beautiful man, and what little I’ve read about his post-porn life, beautiful soul as well.
Search: Ledermeister on BJland…
“legit” offerings on MUBI
looks like some friends have posted a tribute video – Memories of Paul Gerrior – on youtube of his “legit” work. The last part is a clip from a film I’ve wanted to see, Strapped. Alas, they added a COLT photo at the end – but it’s not him! I hope they don’t mind I pointed it out on their tribute, so they can fix it.

9 replies on “Paul Gerrior (AKA Ledermeister)”
Ah, this so terribly sad! : (
But at the same time, it can’t be much of a surprise. He was getting on in years. My first conclusion was that it had to be COVID. It wasn’t, but I still pray that he wasn’t in too much pain.
Thank you “Johnâ€, for informing us. : )
I agree with you BJ. Intellectually, it’s a wise decision, not to get too emotionally involved, with the lives of our favorite porn stars. But that’s probably not going to stop me!
Some are just too wonderful! In my case with Ledermeister, I want to know everything about him as possible! From the little that I know about Paul Gerrior, he led quite an interesting life!
I guess it’s rather naïve now, to expect an autobiography from him. Maybe someone can write a biography anyway, third person.
He led a fulfilling life, aside from porn. But I still hope he didn’t regret his past. I have a feeling he didn’t. : )
I’m always adamant, that porn stars aren’t heroes or role models. They’re just agents of fantasy. But they still do touch us. At least, my favorites touch me! And I’m not just talking physically!
Mr. Gerrior was pretty deep. He revered both the sacred and the profane – no doubt, a complicated man. Before his life as Ledermeister, he spent time in a seminary!
I love the 2nd picture down, of him lying in bed. I’m pretty sure you got this 1968 picture from me!
Notice there’s a little statue, of what looks like the pope, on his dresser. There’s also a figurine of a man praying, hung on the wall. I would love to know his inside story!
I came from a Catholic family. So I felt pretty quilt-ridden and self-hating as a young man.
Seeing porn guys like Ledermeister, Gordon Grant, and Richard Locke etc.; did wonders for my self- image, as a homosexual man.
I’ll always feel indebted to them. They shattered the stereotype of gay men, always being weak and effeminate. : )
He was indeed a beautiful man, and a beautiful soul! God Bless!
January 18, 2021 – Rest in peace, Mr. Paul Gerrior aka Ledermeister.
Thanks for all the pleasure and joy you provided us, and still do! You’ll never be forgotten.
To me, he’ll always be the first daddy of all-male porn!
: ) ; )
Oh Jesus, stupid me! Hey BJ, can you correct the date of his passing? I also forgot to commend you, for this wonderful tribute – and so fast!
Great pictures! And as I said, he’ll always live on in our hearts, and loins! : )
from the director of Strapped – “The older man, Sam, was written specifically for Paul Gerrior, who I had done plays with. What a voice! What a kindness he brings.” – and there is a sex scene with Paul – must see! seriously, check out the youtube tribute linked in the post, the last 3 minutes is from Strapped and it looks interesting
clip from Strapped
Jim French Diaries has some good tip bits and stories involving Paul Gerrior/Ledermeister. Jim last met Paul in 2002 and they discussed Dakota being late for the shoot between the two men. Dakota stole the furniture and items from the place prior to filming. And Jim French explaining that he kept hiring Dakota because of demand.Paul also talks about almost having a date with Rock Hudson but declined.
This was a beautiful, moving tribute to Ledermeister, BJ – and so fast! You should really be proud of yourself! : )
Thanks for correcting my error. Really appreciate it! : )
I really should make it a priority, to eventually see “Strapped (2010)â€. The more scenes I see and read about, the more interested I am. It’s no surprise that Paul Gerrior was an accomplished actor.
Benjamin Bonenfant who stars as the Hustler, is quite a cuttie. I like the physical detail in the film, that he resembles the Saint Sebastian painting by Guido Reni (circa 1615), that Sam (Paul Gerrior) points to. : )
Let me also thank you, for the humping scene clip, posted above:
“Old man, you really like to fuck.†: )
Great choice of pictures – so right and appropriate! The 2nd picture down, which I provided to you, has quickly gotten popular. When you Google “Paul Gerriorâ€, it pops up among his images – beautiful!
I also sent you another, lovely Polaroid photo, along with the 2nd. I also think this was from 1968.
I hope you didn’t forget it. I’m hoping you’ll eventually post this, for the next time you mention Ledermeister. : )
I know once you do that, the picture will be safe for posterity; won’t have to worry about the link breaking. : )
Talk about Big Guns! Just get a load on how huge and hairy, his arms are in this photo – Papa Bear!
As you can see from this, and the shower photo #3, he had a lovely, broad, beautiful smile –and that jaw line! : )
This is how I wish to remember him; full of life, energy, lust, strength, joy, mischief, warmth – beautiful and powerful! What a rascal! His pictures never fail to make me smile and growl. Woof! : 0
It’s such a contrast to the first photo from his GoFundMe website, which is a little hard to take; but I agree, it’s necessary. Aging and illness is such a bitch – so sad. : (
I also love the second and last picture, because it shows Gerrior’s spiritual side – so dignified and grand! He was both body and soul! : )
As you rightly put it, BJ; you can never have too much Ledermeister! : )
Thankfully, Mr. Paul Gerrior is in a better place now – no more pain. : I
But Ledermeister will always live on! : 0 : )
Thanks again, BJ. I’m sure Paul Gerrior aka Ledermeister, thanks you as well. : )
; )
I knew Paul in San Francisco in the 1970s and 80s when he posed for COLT studios. He was a warm, nice guy, not neurotic or egocentric like so many bodybuilders and porn stars. He lived to the ripe age of 88, more than so many gay men. RIP Paul, you were a good man.
how sweet – thank you for commenting
Ledermeister made it through the AIDS epidemic! So many beautiful men gone before their time. I would like to know more about his life after Colt. I’m 69 years of age now, still appreciate the gay vintage porn. My condolences to his family and friends.