I love this photo! but of course, I do not love the quality of it, it’s a bit blurry. Here’s why. As some of you may know, one source I constantly scan for “finds” is eBay – but most sellers don’t use a scanner, but a digital camera – probably a phone, and therefore many pics are slightly distorted (not flat) or fuzzy and out of focus. Recently, someone posted a whole bunch of Target and Colt photosets – with varying quality. BUT…. I downloaded them, as they are a good resource, a reference for me when I get to see 6 or 8 photos in their original set that Jon Target or Jim French was selling decades ago.

The seller might have the correct identification of a model, or I recognize him, or I take a look over at the TARGET STUDIOS page at Gay Erotic Archives (not to be confused with Gay Erotic Video Index) and do some comparisons…. There I learned that Dino has also been paired with Joe in “The Hayloft” photoset, and with Bob Fielding and Chuck in the “RAUNCH” photoset; and he appeared in Target’s JAVELIN #1 – all in 1975. But of course, that page isn’t all inclusive (but it is all awesome as a resource!) and then I take a look at Gay Erotic Video Index to see if someone has done any film work – and alas – Dino has! – possibly just this one appearance in a short called Screen Test, which may never have made it to VHS or DVD. And, interestingly, it’s a short with someone named “Rusty” – and THAT name is nowhere to be found on the Gay Erotic Archives page.
…. ahhhh, I’m exhausted!

3 replies on “Dino”
I now see more than ever how you are working so diligently on all these vintage things. A true scholar, you and Obsessed and several others as well. For me, remembering the period so well, only one of the 70s men I knew from them is still one of my idols (unless Canali is considered 70s; I didn’t know about him till the mid-80s, no Canali films at the Adonis as I recall), otherwise I seem mostly to have ‘modernized’ a couple of years ago and most of the guys I lust for are working now. But in your research, you have indeed pulled up some from the old periods that are just as desirable (and always will be), but that I had not known of. One, as I’ve mentioned several times is that unidentified French “Pool Boy”, from a Cadinot magazine shoot–a veritable god, even though we don’t see his face. I was barely aware of Mark Rutter, although that’s just faulty on my part; I should have. There was that Puerto Rican–Long Dong? (can’t remember, but never heard of him), a few others and now this masterpiece of Lust.
I would never have known of this Dino otherwise, and he was very hidden according to your text above. Utterly desirable, exuding lust and sex from every pore–although in my experience, that’s not at all uncommon among quite a number of Italians I’ve enjoyed dalliance with…The bad-quality one with Dino leaning on the tree is still invaluable, he was naturally elegant, knew how to be photographed beautifully.
I did see a lot of the films till they put video screens in the theaters, and that was a big bummer, although I also do like watching them on TV or the computer. In an actual theater, it was the most depressing sensation, and mostly just Jeff Stryker, who bored shit out of me. I also did buy some magazines, but not nearly as regularly as you have. Some of the mags I’ve never heard of themselves. Amazing you have the Cadinots.
gosh I wish i owned those Cadinot magazines! a couple I sold, but scanned some before selling, and a lot – a lot, from keeping my eyes open on eBay! When videos hit the porn theatre – mid 1980’s? ughhhhhh! the quality was just sooooo awful! and Fred Halsted/Cosco kept using that same casio keyboard soundtrack – need to dig up an example! But a lot of what I post these days is me also discovering, and then digging a bit more if I can get some more info – you may have noticed I rarely take interest in personal life (or when/if someone died) but more what else did they do porn-professionally – and most fun is various names for same models!
Thanks for Dino! I’ve been wanting a name for that face for a while. Of course, this is true of so many early Colt, Falcon, Target, Eagle models. I laughed when you described multiple names for the same model as “fun.” I suppose I agree, if the definition of fun can also mean “confusing.” Thanks for the blog! Johnny