Month: December 2020

from Playguy Vol. 7, No 1 – photo by Romeo (Dec 1982)
contemporary BJ
I wanted CHA-CHA heels….BLACK ones!

“I hate you, I hate this house, I hate Christmas!”
Holiday tradition to re-run this post – Xmas 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and gosh from 2003!! – but c’mon, it’s DIVINE, ferchrissakes! So, I hope you all enjoy this clip I snagged a couple zillion years back from kweer.com’s FEMALE TROUBLE pages. (which appears to be long gone – too bad!)
suede n chains

Ok, ok – its 10 years old, but I just stumbled upon it, and other than a lot more grey (grey, and white, and gray, and white) in the beard, it’s not too far off. I’ll try to dig up a more, ahem, contemporary pic, but just thought a bit of “this is me” before rerunning the usual Xmas pics and videos, might be fun.