"vintage" porn stars

more stuffing, please

and of course, stovetop stuffing

5 replies on “more stuffing, please”

J’adore la Sodomie. I live my life for Sodomy and Fellatio, which are holy acts to be thankful for. Especially a whole lot of it like you’ve posted. In that photo of Kip Noll fucking Jon King, Jon reminded me immediately of Charles Bronson–I wouldn’t have recognized him as Jon King.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It seems there are very few pictures/films where Michael Christopher took it up the ass, although I’d seen a few with him topping or sucking someone, or doing a solo. Thanks for including this picture of him in this compilation.

Who is the other actor with Lee Ryder in the picture you posted above, and what is the name of the film. I’ve never been able to track it down.

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