recent comments have made me wonder if I should add a category – bad hair, nice dick – in this case, I might add “bad pose” – he probably has a perfectly fine tummy, so who told him to “suck it in”?
recent comments have made me wonder if I should add a category – bad hair, nice dick – in this case, I might add “bad pose” – he probably has a perfectly fine tummy, so who told him to “suck it in”?
I was going to do a simple cock pic, with tanline. But sifting through Bruce magazine (a Satyr publication), I just couldn’t resist this other cock pic displayed on these I WANT THEM sheets.
3 postings of Bruce on Retrostuds – none with these sheets!
and of course, stovetop stuffing
ohhhhh, Richard
and of course, below, from Target Studios , Ramrod # 2 COWBOY; and Ramrod #3 COWBOY
wow! J. Clinton West, who directed Dreamer (1974) then disappears from porn (as far as I know) for about 10 years, returning for Chip Off The Old Block (1984) and here he is credited for these great Mickey Squires photos from IN TOUCH magazine #53 (1981)!!
“mature” Mickey – wish I had more from this photo shoot!
can’t imagine how many cowboy Squires pics are out there, but he’s in In Touch #53 (1981), Too Hot to Handle #12, Bunkhouse 1-5, (1981) and of course Zeus Collection
you like cowboy cock?
yeah, that’s a butterfly on my butt; what about it?
move those cowboy thighs closer!
we’re running a 2-for-1 special…
hold my hat while I …..
like there’d be a cowboy post without MICKEY!
More Mickey? sure! Just Because; Cowboy Squires; and Mickey’s butt