who you may remember from such films as
- Loft To Let (1977) – Falcon film #629
- Ramcharger 3 (1978)
- Cruisin’ the Castro (1981)
not a lot of films, I think i got the dates correct, but Falcon/Jocks video collections usually have previously released short films thrown together (I am pretty sure Cruisin’ The Castro was shot late 70’s, but not released til 1981, (from info on Richard Locke’s career)for example). The stills with him and Ed Wiley (AKA Myles Longue) are amazing; but the stuff with Bill Adams and Michael are pretty hot, too! But as usual with most posts, it leads to me adding another “draft” post – this time a closer look at Cruisin’ The Castro – as I thought I had posted about it, but alas, no. Interestin, it takes place in Holtz’ loft, but it is not the same as the Falcon Film that also takes place in a loft – Holtz wearing a cowboy hat comes to mind…..
who you may remember from such magazines as
- Collect Call – with Ed Wiley
- Falcon File #5 – Loft To Let
- New Man – with Ed Wiley

more HOLTZ on BJland
11 replies on “HOLTZ”
Do you know the identity of Holtz’s scene partner in Cruisin’ the Castro? The younger cowboy with the brown hair. Gevi doesn’t have a scene breakdown listed for the film page, the best I could do was a process of elimination to say that it’s definitely not Richard Locke, Will Seagers, Johnny Harden or Dick Fisk (nor Don Talon, at least I think) which leaves Mark Majors, Rick Zane or Tony Natali, or possibly Tom Manley who gevi says was identified by his face. Couldn’t find the answer anywhere else either.
Also to (not) answer one of those nagging, longtime questions concerning the country song heard in Holtz’s scene in Castro … I did a clip for the film and posted it to youtube, almost hoping it would give me another copyright claim because at least then I would know what the song was called, or who sang it. Alas, no restrictions :/ which means that the song is unknown to their automatic music detection AI. And still unknown to me, you and anybody else who may have wondered about it over the almost 40 years now since the videotape came out. You had a post from 2011 I think (?) called “Name That Tune” where you asked if anybody knew anything about it. I mean it’s obviously a real song, we can hear it in the film (and on my clip, where I chopped out some of the instrumental between the two verses) but the mystery is still intact. I did the best I could enhancing the audio but it still has a few skips I couldn’t eliminate.
looks like Tom Manley / Chad Scott to me
funny you ask, I am working on a Jeff Scott post, who is also in Little Brother’s Coming Out (not the same film, but the same collection)
I think you’re right, thank you. For some reason the pic on his gevi page didn’t look like a match to me with the scene, but the one above I see more of a resemblance.
Oooh boy! My head is spinning, from trying to connect all the dots – brain strain! : I
First off, BJ honey! I’m certain I previously commented, on Holtz and Ed Wiley, working together.
I’m pretty sure that when you upgraded to a different web host or design, a number of your responding comments, were deleted – namely mine! It may have been this post. I can’t be sure. : /
Could a different post featuring them, have been lost, as well? : (
So I gather that they only worked together once, on film: “Ramcharger 3 (1978)â€. But evidently, they also worked together in print. I’m guessing that photo #5 and #7 are from “Collect Callâ€. The last picture is a good hint. Who was the publisher? I doubt it was John Gamble.
I’m guessing that they only posed separately, in “New Manâ€, right? Details like this, keep me up at night! Do I ask too many questions? LOL!
Woody is wonderful! I love his sexual action codes on GEVI: O.A.R. – g.r.b.t.
You know what they are! ; )
I know that Holtz was versatile on film. But so was Ed Wiley! But they never showed that on film. : (
Read the notes on his GEVI profile.
Buck Naked is also wonderful! Here’s Holtz bottoming in “Ramcharger 3â€.
Not to be outdone, here’s Ed Wiley, also bottoming in “Ramcharger 3†– flip/flop! Was this cut out for time, or for Wiley’s image?
You know porn producers; tend to prefer their tops and bottoms, to be mutually exclusive. : (
As I said before on my deleted comment, I’m a fan, of both of them! : )
They say that beauty is in the mind of the beholder. A few of your readers claim, that Ed Wiley is handsome. Now don’t get me wrong! I think he’s hot, but I wouldn’t describe him as being handsome.
I don’t tend to use the description, “ugly-hotâ€. But I would say that Holtz, could be considered, a pretty good example. I love watching him in action, though I do think he was, “aesthetically challengedâ€. LOL!
It’s funny that only women and gay men use the description, “ugly-hotâ€. I’ve never heard a straight man use it. : )
I’m pretty sure, that lots of gay men have gone through a similar, evolving process, as mine. : 0
When I was a pre-teenager, I was attracted to males, but only if they fit the handsome, Prince Charming, archetype. This changed once the hormones kicked in, and my preferences became more extensive and inclusive, especially around 18.
I really credit porn, for expanding my range, for what I now consider to be, genuinely virile. Above anything else, how masculine a porn star looks and acts, is the ultimate criteria for me – Alpha Hunter!
While initially watching all-male porn, one really gets caught up in the whole novelty, of men being naked, sensual, and sexual. It’s amazing, how so many different types of men; look good, without their clothes on – hot! LOL!
There are a number of handsome men, who don’t do a thing for me. I find them to be either too pretty, light-weight, or ornamental. They lack that masculine, earthy edge; Matt Bomer, Jeffrey Hunter, Hugh Grant, or the young, Rob Lowe, for example. : I
Macho goes a long way with me. I give masculine men, a lot of leeway, even if they’re not young, or conventionally handsome. I’ll tolerate a lot, even tattoos! : /
Lots of redneck or blue-collar types, tend to be very attractive. Dare I say ditto, to some who even look, scary or psycho? – Old Reliable! Yikes! LOL!
They can have small eyes, a big nose, ears sticking out, a lantern jaw, bald or thinning hair, a lanky or fit-fat build, and I’ll still think that they’re hot as hell! : )
Aside from Holtz and Ed Wiley, I’m also a fan of Donnie Russo, Moose, Andreas Cavalli, Michael Christopher, Jack Hacker, Brendan Davies, Glen Dime, Gio Forte, Bronson Gates, Mike Grant, Val Martin, Don Talon, Steve Trevor, Trojan Rock, Harley Everett, Mickey Squires, Cole Phillips, etc. etc.
Among the more recent bruisers I’ve discovered are Cain Marko, Jaxx Thanatos, Drew Sebastian, Myles Landon, Rocco Steele, Andy Onassis, Markus Kage, Michael Roman, Parker Logan, Dale Savage, Riley Mitchell, Bishop Angus, Max Sargent, Joey Doves, Jesse Zeppelin, etc. etc.
I’ll admit none of these are matinee idols. But I consider them, hot and masculine! : P
To me, they’re the porn equivalent, of Hollywood character actors, who also served as leading men:
Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy, George C. Scott, James Coburn, Lee Marvin, Al Pacino, Tommy Lee Jones, Gene Hackman, Rod Steiger, Charles Bronson, Anthony Quinn, Orson Welles, Bob Hoskins, Roy Scheider, Warren Oates, Chrisopher Walken, Willem Dafoe, Bruce Willis, David Warner, Jack Palance, etc. weren’t handsome.
But they were all so incredibly vivid and powerful, with a strong presence, authority, and personality. Each of them had their own distinct brand, of virility and appeal. : 0
You didn’t question the romantic premise, of them having love scenes, with beautiful women – Beauty and the Beast!
Now don’t get me wrong! I still love beautiful men, as well! : )
I pretty much have a candy store appreciation and greed, for all types of men!
It’s like Baskin-Robbins, so many flavors!
So many men, so little time! : P
; )
Oops! I meant to type “…beauty is in the EYE of the beholder.” : )
I can’t let this go by, although it was all interesting. I think Bogart was handsome, but only explicitly so when he was very young. I can, however, see why some wouldn’t use that word for him as he aged even a bit. But I definitely think Al Pacino was stupendously handsome, up there with Gary Cooper, Louis Jourdan, Michael York, Christopher Jones, Burt Lancaster (saw in person once at theater intermission), Rossano Brazzi, Sean Connery, Laurence Olivier.
For super-butch Robert Mitchum is the coolest–he has this natural strut that is inimitable. Complete and utter nonchalance and masculinity–even his face is super-sexy. Sam Elliot is both handsome and super-macho. Marlon Brando was unique and powerful. Clint Eastwood was a fine specimen and aged well. Peter Graves was definitely handsome and urbane by the time of ‘Mr. Phelps’ in Mission Impossible.
I can’t believe how many more 70s porn guys you and BJ know than I do. In that list, I only recognized Michael Christopher and Mickey Squires, both very popular but I don’t find them as exciting as some do.
I think I do like some of the “pretty ornamental” ones, but agree on those you listed–I’ve never been enthusiastic about them. Rupert Everett used to be beautiful and probably is still handsome. Tom Cruise is definitely handsome but too short (I saw him across the street about 10 years ago, he looked perfectly insane–and is–but still very good-looking), Ethan Hawke is lovely. I don’t care much for Johnny Depp’s looks, and am not a fan of Daniel Day-Lewis or Ryan Gosling or Matthew Broderick. Cary Grant was definitely handsome and debonair, but I never found him as interesting as most did.
I thought William Smith, the super-muscled guy from TV’s Laredo and all those early-70s biker movies like Angels Die Hard was a fantastically sexy bruiser, and a fine big all-American face. He never stayed long in A-List, but did do Any Which Way You Can with Eastwood.
Your replies are always interesting Parisian. Sometimes I can’t resist, replying to one of your replies! : )
When it comes to taste, it’s all pretty subjective, isn’t it?
I still stand by my list of Hollywood leading men, who were undeniably charismatic and powerful, but weren’t conventionally handsome. We’ll have to agree, to disagree. : )
To my list, I should have also added George Raft, Donald Sutherland, Paul Muni, Sylvester Stallone, Edgar G. Robinson, James Whitmore, and Ernest Borgnine. But I forgot. I can’t remember everything! : (
I’ve always joked, that if I had a pet bulldog, I would name him Borgnine. LOL!
Bogart always had a long, mulish face, even when he was young. So I could never describe him as being handsome. I actually think he got better looking as he aged. His mature face revealed more character and depth. It’s amazing how men especially, really come into their own, in their later years.
I thought Al Pacino’s face was interesting and distinguished, but not handsome. He was perfectly cast in “The Godfather (1972)â€.
There’s an amusing story on how handsome, studio head Robert Evans, and director Francis Ford Coppola, wanted to cast the character of Michael Corleone. Evans wanted Warren Beatty, Coppola wanted Pacino.
Francis told Robert, “You want someone who looks like you, and I want someone who looks like me.†: )
It’s interesting that both Pacino and Paul Muni respectively, starred as Tony the gangster, in “Scarefaceâ€. The original 1932 version, and the 1983 remake.
For the record, my first list of gay porn stars, were not all from the 70’s. They included some from the 80’s and 90’s, and some from the early 2000’s.
I should have included, Butch MacAlister, Clay Russell, Brandon Wells, Zak Spears, etc. etc. I can’t list all my favorite butch stars. My personal list has now reached close to 400. And I haven’t even updated it recently. LOL!
My second list is the ones that I’ve discovered within the last few years. : )
Both BJ and I love Mickey Squires. A reader claiming to be Squires actually responded to one of BJ’s posts. I want to believe it was actually him. I think Mickey had a Teddy Bear charm, but he wasn’t a looker. : )
I love that you mentioned pretty Christopher Jones! He was one of my earliest crushes. It was when I didn’t completely understand, that I was a queer. I just knew that I like looking at him – confusing! : /
This leads to a perfect example, of how my tastes have changed, over the years. : 0
On television, I watched “Love Me Tender (1956)†for Elvis Presley, “A Summer Place (1959)†because of that pretty boy, Troy Donahue. And of course I watched “Chubasco (1967)â€, to drool over Christopher Jones. LOL!
Richard Egan played Presley’s older brother, and the father-in-law of both Donahue and Jones respectively, in the three films I mentioned.
At the time, I didn’t appreciate Egan’s appeal – too old and mean looking! But I certainly do now!
He was quite a hot, tough, mature bull-stud! I now think he’s actually more sexual, than all of the three young stars, put together!
But I do recognize that he isn’t going to appeal to everyone. As I say, it’s all subjective. : )
Like Victor Mature, Richard Egan had an overripe sensuality, which was slightly gross. But then again, I love sweet, spicy food! : P
I liked Troy Donahue when he was young. But I still stand by my opinion that he was too “ornamentalâ€.
I still can’t get over the fact that he was actually married, to the intelligent, sophisticated, Suzanne Pleshette, for nine months!
Donahue wasn’t much of an actor, but I thought it was interesting, to cast him as the gigolo/playboy fiancé of Talia Shire, in “The Godfather Part II (1974)”.
His character’s name was Merle Johnson, Donahue’s actual name! In his youth, he went to the same military academy as director, Francis Ford Coppola – six degrees of separation!
I also worship Robert Mitchum! But I’m going to keep my comments about him, to a minimum – another time and occasion. I’ve already hogged enough space! Sorry, BJ!
Like Clark Gable, Mitchum was a sexual powerhouse, even in his advanced years!
I thought he was pretty miscast, as a repressed school master in “Ryan’s Daughter (1970)â€, though he did acquit himself, quite well – always underrated.
Now I think he’s more sexual, than Christopher Jones could ever be. Even in his dull, thankless role. Christopher Jones’ English voice in “Ryan’s Daughter†was dubbed! : /
I liked Peter Graves. But I must confess that I have a bigger, softer spot for his taller, older brother, James Arness (6’7â€!).
He also, wasn’t really handsome – not with that slightly bulbous nose. I have a height fetish! Tall men look so manly to me – authority!
It’s curious that Graves was the handsome, younger brother; while older brother, Arness, was not. This also, is the exact, same case with the acting siblings of Dennis and Randy Quaid!
Randy Quaid was also tall, 6’5â€. He was the perfect choice to portray LBJ!
Dana Andrews and Steve Forrest, a hot ginger, were both handsome brothers!
I loved that you mentioned that bad-ass, William Smith! He was genuinely tough, both on screen and in life!
I think he’s scorching – the very definition of butch! But once again, I know he’s not going to appeal to everyone.
Like porn star Barry Hoffman, he had dark, cold eyes; the kind that one sees in the mug shots of criminals, psychos, and thugs. : /
Character actor Henry Silva, also had the same kind of eyes. Both Smith and Silva were tall, muscular; with granitic, facial features. This made them ideal casting for villains.
It’s curious. In my appallingly, self-indulgent tribute to Gordon Grant (Can you ever forgive me, BJ?), I noted that he had the same, bad-ass appeal as Jack Palance, Charles Bronson, and Jim Brown. : )
On second thought, I should have also included William Smith, even though he isn’t as famous, as the other three.
Wasn’t William Smith’s physique incredible? As a bodybuilder, he was obviously very proud of it! If only he would have done gay porn! I could easily see him as a ruthless top! : P
Actually, in context, Smith doing all-male porn wouldn’t have been such a far-fetched idea. As we both know, he DID pose for Bob Mizer’s AMG pictorials! He must have been aware that he had gay fans!
He looks fantastic here! Like gay porn stars, Ledermeister and Michael Chrisotpher; he had a full waist, yet still possessed lean hips, and a flat stomach with abs!
The long tan-line is a little ridiculous, but I still think it’s hot! Tan-lines are forever! : P
While we’re on the subject of the sex appeal, of thugs, psychos, and crazies, I can’t forget Oliver Reed!
What a contrast, to the usual, gentlemanly actor of British descent! He definitely was a crazy bully – a hellraiser!
Despite the machismo, it’s pretty amazing, what an accomplished actor he was! Considering that he never took lessons, or appeared on stage! He probably could have handled Shakespeare – great voice! “Richard III�
I’ll leave it to personal opinion, if whether he was handsome or not. There’s such a physical dichotomy, in his face – fascinating! He had simian, facial features, but blue, seductive eyes. Another perfect example of “ugly-hotâ€!
No self-respecting queer, will ever forget his homoerotic, nude wrestling scene with Alan Bates, in “Women in Love (1970)â€.
(Scroll all the way down!)
While we’re on the topic of scary-sexy; I thought Christopher Lee, made a superb, Count Dracula!
With all due respect to Bela Lugosi, I thought he was the best! His portrayal was very close to the description, in Bram Stoker’s novel – grand! : )
He was yet another example, of an English actor, not being a gentleman! He also wasn’t handsome, but he still pushed, many of my buttons – 6’5†with a deep, booming voice!
As you can tell, aside from a height fetish, I also love deep, masculine voices – basses and baritones are forever! So manly!
I should also note, that John Carradine, also made an interesting, elegant, Dracula. : )
As I said, it’s all subjective. Two of my favorite porn stars are Gordon Grant and Michael Christopher.
But I’m sure that there are viewers, who consider them ugly. Especially if they’re into twinks, and pretty boys. : (
Okay, I’d better stop. I could go on forever, but I think you got the idea, of what I consider, “ugly-hotâ€. LOL!
Sorry for hogging up so much space again, BJ! : (
Love you all, mean it! : )
; )
Great post, Obsessed! I love it when you go on like that, and B.J. told us he doesn’t mind. Although mine will be shorter, and I’ll just respond to some of your many interesting points.
Of course it’s all subjective. People who get upset about who anyone’s fans are emotionally about 12 years old.
One of my least favourite actresses, Diane Keaton, agrees with me about Pacino, as so many less famous people whom I’ve known over the years. She was going on, boasting about having both Pacino and Beatty, and said that “I mean, Warren was gorgeous, but Pacino had the most beautiful face”. I guess Warren Beatty is very handsome, but even if you’re arrogant, it ought to be more understated than he ever managed. I have never liked him much. Interesting that she was talking about the same 2 considered for Michael Corleone. Pacino didn’t keep his slim, elegant body after the mid-90s–I last remember him looking really good in Heat
Fascinating Donahue was in The Godfather II. I never noticed him, and did see it at least twice. Ended up tragically, and once had lived in Central Park for 2 weeks like a bum, late 80s or 90s.
William Smith would have indeed looked fabulous in gay porn, but he was definitely staight, and I doubt even got the occasional blow job, but it’s not impossible. He was so naturally Phallic, there was this definite magnetism from his crotch that would appear at some point in all his movies. I went to see his house in Laurel Canyon, and even that had roof ornaments that came across as Phallic. He spoke Russian and was a pilot–very interesting guy, and is still with us, but quite fat now.
I loved A Summer Place, but as a child, my main interest was Sandra Dee, and I’ve always loved her. Another tragedy. I took a look at her West Hollywood condo in 2001 when she was still alive–the buzzer said ‘Dee’ just like some ordinary tenant, but she never could overcome her problems, which included not only alcoholism, but not even demanding payment due her popularity (one year she was actually the top box-office star.) A woman I worked with in a Broadway show said to me “These ingenue people have a hard time in life”. Once in a while, they’re able to keep going, as A. Hepburn, Ann-Margret, Jean-Pierre Leaud (that has been a unique career), and a few others. Agree with all you said about R. Egan, he was definitely hot and butch. I used to like him and Terry Moore in the old TV series Empire. A Summer Place is actually a wonderful soap opera movie, and gorgeous ‘Maine scenery’ (actually it’s Carmel, CA), and they were all good, including Dorothy MacGuire and the evil bitch-mother Constance Ford.
I don’t think any of the ones you listed, legit or porn, are ‘ugly’ (well, maybe Ernest Borgnine is sort of objectively ugly, another one of Ethel Merman’s lusts, although I’m not sure it ever was consummated from a bio of her I read), certainly not Grant or Christopher. I probably do like some pretty types more than you, as Keith Carradine in my case–I’ve been a huge fan, and he was another who was at his best as an ingenue, but with his family power, he wasn’t going to end up tragically. Absolutely love the film Welcome to L.A., and his singing and all the dames flocking to him, especially gorgeous Geraldine Chaplin. He didn’t really manage to become A-List, though–good actor, not great.
Definitely thought Jim Brown hot as hell in El Condor from around 1970.
I’d love to see Chubasco again. Maybe can find it online or old vhs. Not that many have seen it. Very watery setting as I remember.
Dennis Quaid was perfect as the homosexual husband of Julianne Moore in Far From Heaven, which is an excellent movie, I thought.
Donahue was definitely mainly a starlet type, good for things like the early 60s TV show Surfside 6.
Tom Jones has always H.O.T. Is much like William Smith in the Phallic Dept.
Wanted to make brief remark on Rome Adventure, which was sort of a big deal when it opened, but that was about Donahue and Pleshette, as it were. Angie Dickinson had been his gf., and does that ever not make sense. Sandra Dee and Donahue were perfectly matched, and he seemed right with Pleshette too, although she never had a particularly ‘ingenue-type’ persona even though young then. Angie was the *Trouper*, and my favourite single movie scene (though not whole movie), is the first 1/4 of Dressed to Kill, which I watch very frequently, and never continue after that part, which is better than the Janet Leigh scene in Psycho that it’s based on IMO. Angie and gorgeous Ken Baker going through the Met with their fabulous mutual desire…no speaking for 20 minutes or so, only that fabulous Pino Donnaggio music. I’m a HUGE Angie fan.
I was just thinking about other gay porn stars who might have done some so-called ‘legit’ work. I definitely think Wrangler was so cute and campy when he wasn’t fucking and sucking that he could have done a lot of comedy, or even ‘the gay lover’ of a married leading man. Toby probably could have done more silent types of this same ‘other man’ with, say, Michael York or Alan Bates. But Wrangler was often naturally funny. And he was the one with major connections. Did do some comedy off-B’way in the 80s, but I didn’t see any of it.
Can anybody else see any of these as having some real acting talent? Most of it wasn’t rigorous at all, and I’m hard-pressed to think of anybody else I think of–but they could do ‘super-hot cameos’, as William Smith does for a brief second in Ask Any Girl. He was really young and hot then, but had also been a child actor. You can see the ‘William Smith face’ as a little boy in the old A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
Holtz’s real first name is Rick. He lives in San Francisco and now owns a construction company. I met Rick in summer of 1980, and I have to say one of the best. Had a great time with him.
I had the great pleasure of “meeting” Holtz in 1980. . . He was so hot. He left the porn business and started a construction business. I still see him around San Francisco. . . he has aged very well.