Eric Ryan , Daniel Holt, and…..? and yes, with a little research, I could probably figure out who the bottom blond is, but let’s see what you guys come up with
Eric Ryan , Daniel Holt, and…..? and yes, with a little research, I could probably figure out who the bottom blond is, but let’s see what you guys come up with
4 replies on “lucky Pierre”
I’ll guess it’s Rick Taylor in between Eric and Daniel, from X-tra Large (also found in X-tra Large … The Mag!)
Although I’m not certain, Eric and Daniel were in at least a few of the same films. But the hair on the part of the head of the third guy that you can see in that pic seems to match Rick.
ahhhhh, hairline! yes! and Non-Stop and H.E.A.T., they seem to also seem to have scenes together
scrolling through your back posts of Ryan, I saw the Job Site posts…I’ve always wondered what the name was of the hairy chested guy from your JOBSITE post on 12/12/11 is… is he in any other fims?? Hot for him for 20 years.
he’s one of these: Gador, Eric Ryan, Daniel Holt, Scott Avery, Lenny Dean, Terry James, Brad Mason, Keith Williams, Tanas, Scott Thompson, Robert Vega, Dave Ashfield ; plus: Bobby Cerrato, Champ LaRue, Marc, Dan Gillen, Roger Cook, Dan Hodge, Robert Vaqe, Rob Wright, Dill Duncan, Randy Page; Mark Edwards as Uncle Charlie and Kenneth Weyerhauser as the Attorney.
heehee! I don’t think we’ve figured this out yet – who he is, and if he’s done any other porno work – one of those porn mysteries to be solved!