who you may remember from such films as
- Gym Nasties (1978) w/ Kirby Scott
- Noon Every Tuesday (1979) w/Lars Lundig
- Not So Straight (Buckshot) w/ Rocco Rizzoli
- The Long Rangers (1981?) w/Ryan Kilgore
- Gunner & Killer (1981?) w/ Killer Joe

- MANDATE Feb 1981
- Videoview #1
- various COLT calendars

updated 3/31/2022
7 replies on “Gunner Hyde”
I know this was first posted in 2020, but how are there no comments?! It’s GUNNER HYDE people!
Such an intense performer in “Gunner & Killer” and “Gym Nasties” and the other films. He was a powder keg of sexual energy.
Thanks BJ!
OK, so here’s my comment! Gunner Hyde rocks, man!! He is underrated as per super=hot edge stars! It’s unfortunate for us tho, that he didn’t make more Edge films. Is he still about in 2023? Anybody know?
someone needs to update these images – I know I have better (somewhere!!)
someone did – some pics better quality, plus a couple new ones – thanks JohnnyLLLLLLL
Thanks for the pics! Does anybody know what happened to Gunner Hyde? There’s a strange profile on twitter.
And does anybody know the music of Gunner & Killer?
why can I find only ONE pic of Gunner and Rocco???
Huge crush on Gunner °